Being in the right spot at the right time ain't bad - an unusual true story!
Ranch, USA, Montana, Texas, Cattle, rich, banker, "private banking", "ultra high net worth individual", oil, banker, wealth,

Being in the right spot at the right time ain't bad - an unusual true story!

This person - let's call him Mr. X - has led a rather unusual life and has remained a total unknown public figure all his life.

Incredible an Ultra High Net Worth Individual of this rare caliber has never been approached by a "top-notch" private banker

Mr. X was born in Denmark as a country boy in a village situated 1,5 Swedish miles East of a Danish town in which the grandfather of the most famous Danish physicist was born. The most famous shipbuilder in Denmark was born in the same town in 1852.

At the age of 16 - the same year The Beatles took America by storm and Race Riots gripped big cities in the USA and 10 years before I boarded the good ship "Eastholm" from Soeby, Aeroe to sail oil pipes from Rotterdam to Aberdeen (my fathers wish was that I should learn the maritime ways) - Mr. X went to a U. S. state, which capitol is 2751 KM from the capitol of Texas, Austin, or 2193 as the crows files.

Mr. X wanted to try life as a cowboy and Mr. X made quite a good impression.

After three years the ol' cattle rancher one day asked Mr. X if he for 50 bucks would like to buy some land - a couple of thousand hectares in the north-west corner of his large estate.

The ol' rancher and Mr. X went up there to take a look. 

The ol' rancher showed Mr. X the large plot of sandy land "with some greasy black stuff pouring out from beneath" and said with a certain mysterious sparkle in his eyes and a firm deep voice "Son, it ain't good for cattle grazing"

Mr. X jumped out of the chopper - put his right hand index finger into the black greasy stuff, licked his finger and looked upon the 'ol rancher in utter amazement. 

Mr. X paid the 'ol rancher the 50 bucks and they silently shook hands.

Mr. X - you can say - had a total life-changing experience! He became a man of means / considerable means (a rather wildly understated statement)

Any guess, who this man, Mr. X, is?


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