Being In Right Relationship To Story
Being In Right Relationship To Story
?Most of the times people have the perceptual experience with no conscious awareness. They will make sense of their perceptions through their familiar, third dimensional understanding of how the world works and how events occur.
?This is often the source of misunderstanding and chaos between people because one person’s sense of events and their meaning is often very different from another’s. And life can get very confusing because it becomes difficult to know if you are living out something in the present or experiencing something in the present that is primarily an expression/reflection of another dimension.
?It is always essential to remember that there are four levels of being in relationship to story:
1) the level of matter, the literal – Did it happen? Is it literally true?
2) the level of soul, the symbolic or metaphoric — What meaning can we take from this story into our lives?
3) the level of spirit, the metaphysical - How does what happened, happen, and how do we make meaning of it to inform our deepest striving? How does it feed our spirit?
4) the level we call Source, Unity Consciousness. — How do all the previous levels serve the evolution of Life itself?
?You can read the full article in our blog on
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