Being Resilient in Changing Times
Apitha Iyer
Starting Bloc Fellow I Founder & Chief Design Officer I L&D Strategist I PoSH Enabler I Design Thinking Practitioner I CBT Practitioner I Certified DiSC Trainer I
The new normal and it's constant twists and curve balls are not only interesting but also testing.
Initially this was a lockdown which we thought will reopen for us to be back to normal, but by then we got used the new normal.
We have adopted, become adept in the new ways; thus bracing ourselves to this change, which is ever changing.
LeadHer Sandbox webinar series brought together four change catalysts, implementing and initiating change at their capacities, in their organizations. They are true examples of how to embrace change with positivity.
Dr.Hamsa.N, Head and Associate Prof. Dept of Psychology, Mount Carmel College, spoke about how anxiety about the uncertainty can trigger different reactions and thus being cognitive of self, feelings and emotions is important. Channelizing the energy to things that would better the employability chances is a choice and opportunity for all of us. Give passion a chance and see if that directs towards a career. Resilience here was to keep the learning hat on.
Nisha Bhiani, Founder and Senior Partner, Unika Advosory, spoke about how insecurity about the job scene has been a challenge. Insecurity is motivating and demotivating. Motivating to a few who can handle the pressure and can keep at it and perform. Not so for the ones who succumb under pressure. Being flexible and having the ability to do more than one job or role will be the potential and retainable talent for the new normal. Resilience here is to explore newer avenues in the job scene and see how else you can contribute.
Meet Kaur Kallury, Manager -L&D,Teamlease Services Limited, quoted the bridge on River Choluteca and spoke about how building to perfection may be the challenge now. Having a growth mindset, challenging the status quo and redesigning the approach to the problem in hand will help the situation. You have to be able to solve many problems than just one. Resilience here is to keep asking "what-if", breaking the mold and creating new; and being agile with growth mindset.
Gijo Mathew, Manager- Training and Projects , GMR Aviation Academy., had a fable to quote, Birbal's story which speaks about waiting for a perfect time to accomplish, which of course is never to come. He said unless you Explore and tread towards the unknown you will never start the journey. The challenge is the wait. The new normal has shaken the thought of getting closer to a perfect moment. So being quick at action, building trust in process & people and being positive of the result is the resilience we need to show in this unprecedented time.
Change is not easy. Now it is at your face. You cannot avoid it. Embrace it and evolve.
Progress is more important than perfection. - Simon Sinek