Being Present....
I know you already know this! But how often and what percent of your day is spent fully in the present? Research has shown and proven that 95% of our thinking and doing is driven by the subconscious mind, which is NEVER present! Have you ever (it's got to be a given) listened to a new and exciting, innovative way of doing something, or some new device and gotten all excited about it and then when the dust settles, you go back to your old way(s) of thinking and do not change your beliefs or behavior toward some new thought or paradigm even if it promises to improve your life!!! It takes work to change! Habitual behaviors are so much easier you say! Oh Yes, but knowing this doesn't give license to stay in old thought, belief and behavior patterns! The Magic always happens in the present!
I dare you to try this experiment on yourself! See how Conscious you can stay in your life for 24 hours! And some of it is a gift because you will be safely asleep part of that time! I'd love to hear about your results, you can PM me or post it right here under this article! Love you All! Be Present and you will be Pleased!