Being a Part of the ESG Revolution
LLC Academy
Innovative, integrated best-fit solutions for Skills Development, Enterprise & Supplier Development for your business.
Environmental, Social, and Governance, or ESG as it is more commonly known, have become the buzzwords of the hour. With the 2030 deadline for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals a mere 6 years away, companies across the world are dedicating their time, efforts, and financial resources towards achieving these outcomes.?
But, did you know that there are a few of the SDGs that Broad-Based Black Economically Empowered companies are already fulfilling through their existing commitment to compliance??
?“With our innovative training programs that equip professionals and leaders with the necessary skills to thrive in a transforming marketplace, it’s small wonder that The LLC Academy has a special affinity for those Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that focus on the education and upliftment of previously disadvantaged populations in South Africa,” says Eileen Thornhill, Director of The LLC Academy. “In particular, we are dedicated to SDG1: No Poverty; SDG 4: Quality Education; SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth; and SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities. That said, the goals are all interlinked and are intended to play off of one another, working together synergistically to create a better future for all.”?
“Lanham-Love Consulting (LLC), The LLC Academy (LLCA), and The BIG Impact Group were recently featured in the Sunday Times Empowerment Magazine, in a testament to the impactful work we - as a collective - are doing to drive transformation, education, and sustainability throughout South Africa,” says Thornhill. “We have partnered in order to build on the work that Lanham-Love Consulting and The LLC Academy have already been doing for years to empower and educate those previously disadvantaged in South Africa, and incorporate said work into meeting the requirements set out by the United Nations.”?
“In this way, The LLC Academy has already been a major part of the ESG revolution since 2017,” says Thornhill. “Our focus on the growth and development of your people, and the social upliftment of young members of our society, means that we have already been working towards the sustainability of the South African economy. This gives us – and those who partner with us – a major head start in terms of meeting those SDG and ESG goals that are becoming an integral art of doing business in the 2020s.”?
Be a part of the ESG revolution! The LLC Academy’s commitment to offering programmes that educate and uplift South Africans means that we are ahead of the game in terms of sustainable development and the reduction of poverty. Speak to our expert consultants if you would like to know more about how our programmes can benefit you, your staff, and South Africa as a whole!?