Being made to work whilst on furlough or doing full-time hours and only being paid for part-time? Issues with Restrictive Coventants?Then read on...
AVAILABLE 24/7 on 07970 840061 [email protected]
I've heard some really concerning things over the past 5 months but there are a few that deeply concern me.
The furlough scheme is there to protect jobs. It's not however something that should be used to pay salaries i.e. if your company is asking you to work whilst you are on furlough they are breaking the law. I'd also have serious concerns about a business that would ask you to do such a thing. Put simply it's unethical and illegal. Of course furlough is there it protect jobs and whether you like Rishi or not (overall I think he's done an OK job) it has helped companies and their staff to survive during a time that no-one could ever have planned for. What it's not there or is for companies to line their pockets!
My other concern is around firms bringing recruiters back from furlough, paying them for part-time hours and telling them off the record that if they don't do full time (and often more) hours/hit certain targets then they will be shown the door!
Coming back from furlough can be exciting and I know for many of you it's also been a huge relief to hear that you can go back to work. However having had several months out I firmly believe that you also do need a little time to get up and running - the market you left has changed, for many drastically. Our business was previously very candidate led. It's now client led. Not only that but we have had to go out and 'hunt' (literally) for new business. It doesn't happen overnight. We worked throughout lock-down and whilst I'm glad we did now, as we are reaping the rewards, it has, just as importantly, enabled us to help a large number of recruiters who have found themselves, through no fault of their own on the market.
My final point surrounds Restrictive Covenants - there seems to be a general assumption when I'm speaking to Recruiters who have been made redundant that their Covenants won't apply. Sadly that often isn't the case - as well as R2R I also specialise in the law relating to contracts of employment for recruiters - if you need any advice (free of charge) please feel free to contact me anytime on 07970 840061 [email protected]