Being Leader

Being Leader

Well, I won't be describing all good leadership thoughts or bookish definations in this article. For that there are exceptionally good books available there, but I would put my thoughts about leadership in diverse environments in every aspect that makes one a great Leader.

First what comes in your mind with word LEADER. Does below sentences resonates with your thoughts...

Leader is a Boss.
Leader is someone motivational.
Leader orders you and makes work done.
Leader is some high position every one want to achieve in their career.
.......List goes on

Well, Lets remove all above thoughts in garbage.

So What does Leadership actually means -

Leadership is essentialy a quality in an individual that brings out the best of other person and also helps him to discover his hidden potential.

Leadership demands humblenss. A great leader is always (must be) humble. Well, people would argue that there are leader who are not humble but gets things done. This is not true....they should not be categorised as leaders....maybe we can call them Hard Doers (maybe suggest me a good word here....)

A Leader being humble can essentially lead the way and build a great team, make them realise their goals, make them discover their potentials, make them feel important and make them aware why they are best-fit for the work and have trust on them.

Leader is not only a title. Its a great responsbility. Now being a leader, you just dont have to care for your self and ambitions, but you are responsible for growth of your team, company, projects etc.

Now does leadership is needed only in our work-life?

No.........Its a quality to possess in each and every aspect of our life. You should not wait to get a title for that and then start working on leadership quality.

In every aspect of life, You should be a Leader. In your personal life, You should be a leader in leading a way with your important family members, friends, harness this quality that can grow these members and benefit them, taking decisions that are not always front-looking, take hard decisions that are beneficial in Long term, make essential trade-offs and try to achieve everything with balance.

Making Decisions is most important factor for a Leader. This quality helps in transitioning from a Good Leader to Great Leader. Decision making ability keeping every aspect in mind with all optimised trade-offs and trying to achieve win-win situation for all stakeholders (all related individuals with decision) is an essential quality for great Leader.

At Last , every individual - no matter age, gender, race, religion etc.... should be a Leader in his life.

Your thoughts.....

-- Madhav S Dhruve
Rutu Parikh

Open for Software Engineering roles

4 年

I completely agree, great post!

Apurva Sharma

C# | Azure Monitor | Azure DevOps | .Net Core | MVC | Knockout.js | TypeScript | jQuery | Web API | SQL Server / Oracle

4 年

Good that you have highlighted that leaders are not just limited to businesses, but in relationships as well. The impact is endless and long tern if we come to think about it.


