Being Kind Isn't A Weakness
I saw the quote below and loved it.
“Do your little bit of good where you are; its those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”—Archbishop Desmond Tutu (born 1931)
Keep seeing the best in people, keep connecting with those you know; love and interject your goodness into new people. Together we can shift the pendulum back to seeing more good in the world, I do believe that.
“Do your little bit of good where you are; its those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”—Archbishop Desmond Tutu (born 1931)
human connection
“Use your voice for kindness, your ears for compassion, your hands for charity, your mind for truth, and your heart for love.”?—?Unknown
I had a recent conversation with someone who asked me what I thought it took to succeed. When they had asked their dad, he told them to just be a good person. I responded, your dad is right; I made a pretty good career just by being a good guy.
As I have said many times before (yes, Honey, I am going to say it again – my wife hates when I say this), I am not a very smart guy, not even all that talented. Still, I have always tried to treat people right, give them encouragement, and most importantly, treat them with respect. Does it always come easy? No. I often have to be intentional in my interactions with others.
With new COVID-19 variants, additional cases in our communities, and as we experience more remote work and possible isolation from those we enjoy being around, we need to be even more intentional in making an effort to connect with people. ?While some people like the remote environment and thrive in it, I was bummed. I miss that personal interaction and connection?that is hard to get on Zoom or Teams.
“Just remember that nothing matters without people. We can have everything but if we don't have real human connection with others, the rest will feel hollow.”?—?Steve Gilbert
We all need to be more understanding of our differences — we are all on the same team. Let people see you care. People don’t care about what you know; they want to know you care. When you show people you care, good things happen. I believe most people have good intentions. When they see and experience us treating them well, it also brings out more of their good.
We are coming to the close of another crazy busy, and just plain crazy, year. Many of us are worn down, stressed, frustrated by the swinging door of "it’s ok to be out and about – then it’s not," and we’ve had a lot of change here (great change – but still change). Lots of new are faces looking for that infrastructure of connection.
"People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.” —?Joseph F. Newton
Let’s build bridges. Tell people you appreciate them, radiate gratitude, show empathy, encourage someone. Let people know what gifts you see in them, ask how they are and really mean it, really see others, and let people see your heart (I often tell others that is what I love most about IMA – most have HEART in what they do and who they are).
I believe we all want some human connection. I hear from many, especially those that have started these last two years (and there are many), that it has been hard to meet people. I agree, but we all just need to be more intentional to make those connections we want.
“There are people you haven’t met yet who will love you. How cool is that? What's uncomfortable now, could grow into something beautiful later.” —?Charles Kennedy
It can be daunting meeting new people. I get it; I am a big introvert. But take a chance, reach out to someone new, to someone you haven’t seen in a while. Often those same people want that too; it just takes someone to take the first step. So be a little vulnerable. It’s ok, it’s the way we really get to know each other.
In my position, I am blessed to talk to people from all over our organization, all locations, all positions, and all different personalities. Though I haven’t spoken to the majority of associates from our new partners, I have seen the reason for our success is not because of what we do, it is because of how we do it. With heart, with care, with the love of serving others.
We have people who are good at what they do, but more importantly, they are good people.
We are not a company that sells insurance to people and organizations. We are a company serving other people and organizations, and we just happen to sell insurance.
We do an amazing job being good with our clients. It is easy to forget being as good to those closest to us. I am very guilty of that. Let’s encourage each other, and let’s be as good at home, with our family and friends, and outside the lines, as we are in them.
Let’s finish well. Let’s finish connected by the bridges we build all around us.