Being at the Helm

Being at the Helm

The majority of containerized applications that are being deployed at any reasonable scale will likely be using some flavour of Kubernetes.

As a container orchestration platform Kubernetes allows the deployment of multiple applications to be organised around the concepts of pods, services, ingress, deployments etc defined in YAML configuration files.

In this post we won't go into detail around these concepts and will assume a familiarity with their purpose and operation.

Whilst Kubernetes makes this process simpler, when it's being used for multiple applications managing the large number of YAML files can come with its own challenges.

This is where Helm comes into the picture. Described as a package manager for Kubernetes Helm provides a way to manage updates to the YAML configuration files and version them to ensure consistency and allow for re-use.

I initially didn't quite understand the notation of Helm being a package manager but as I've used it more I've come to realise why this is how it's described.

Charts and Releases

The Helm architecture consists of two main elements, the client and the library.

The Helm client provides a command line interface (CLI) to indicate what needs to be updated in a cluster via a collection of standard Kubernetes YAML files, the library then contains the functionality to interact with the cluster to make this happen.

The collection of YAML files passed to the client are referred to as Helm Charts, they define the Kubernetes objects such as deployments, ingress, services etc.

The act of the library using these YAML files to update the cluster is referred to as a Release.

So far you maybe thinking that you can achieve the same outcome by applying the same YAML files to Kubernetes directly using the kubectl CLI. Whilst this is true where Helm adds value is where you need to deploy the same application into multiple environments with certain configuration or set-up differences.

Values, Parametrisation and Repositories

It will be a common practice to need to deploy an application to multiple environments with a differing numbers of instances, servicing requests on different domains or any other differences between testing and production environments.

Using Kubernetes directly means either maintaining multiple copies of YAML files or having some process to alter them prior to them being applied to the cluster. Both of these approaches have the potential to cause inconsistency and errors.

To avoid this Helm provides a templating engine to allow a single set of YAML files to become parameterised. The syntax of this templating when you first view it can be quite daunting, while we won't go into detail about it here, like with any language over time as you use it more it will eventually click.

Alongside these parameterised YAML files you specify a Values YAML that defines the environment specific values that should be applied to the parameterised YAML defining the Kubernetes objects.

This allows the YAML files to be consistent between all environments in terms of overall structure whilst varying where they need too. This combination of a Values YAML file and the parameterised YAML defining the Kubernetes objects are what we refer to as Helm Charts.

It maybe that your application is something that needs to be deployed in multiple clusters, for these situations your Helm charts can be provided via a repository in a similar way that we might make re-usable Docker images available.

I think it's at this point that describing Helm as a package manager starts to make sense.

When we think about code package managers we think of re-usable libraries where functionality can be shared and customised in multiple use cases. Helm is allowing us to achieve the same thing with Kubernetes. Without needing to necessarily understand all that is required to deploy the application we can pull down Helm charts, specify our custom values and start using the functionality in our cluster.

When to Use

The benefit you will achieve by using Helm is largely tied to the scale of the Kubernetes cluster you are managing and the number of applications you are deploying.

If you have a simple cluster with a minimal applications deployed maybe the overhead of dealing with Kubernetes directly is manageable. If you have a large cluster with multiple applications or you have many clusters each with different applications deployed you will benefit more due to the ability it offers to ensure consistency.

You will also benefit from using Helm if you need to deploy a lot of 3rd party applications into your cluster, whether this might be to manage databases, ingress controllers, certificate stores, monitoring or any other cross cutting concern you need to have available in he cluster.

The package manager nature of Helm will reduce the overhead in managing all these dependencies in the same way that you manage dependencies at a code level.

As with many tools your need for Helm may grow over time as you estate increases in complexity. If like me you didn't immediately comprehend the nature and purpose of Helm then hopefully this post has helped you recognise what it can offer and how it could benefit your use case.


