Being Grateful for The Little Things Everyday
Irene Meyer
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As I grow older and wiser, I realize that my days on this earth are numbered.?It gets more evident, the more I notice how much taller and older my nieces and nephews get.
Gratitude keeps EVERYTHING in perspective.
When I feel the need to even complain about anything, I try to find something to be grateful for.
That’s the key.?The key to keeping the negative out of my life is to bring joy and gratitude into it.
I made this sandwich for lunch, and it was perfect.?It was perfect because I made it the way I liked it.
It does not matter if others don’t like mustard, if they don’t like mayo, or if they don’t like cheese.
What mattered was that it was something I appreciated.?It did not matter that my husband happens to like the other type of “mayo”; it did not matter that my sister thinks mustard is gross; it did not matter that my co-worker is against all “processed” meats.?
What mattered was that I liked it.
So, the next time someone, including you, complains about anything, find something to be grateful for, because every little thing in your life counts for what you have.
It’s in the little moments of perspective that will keep your life full of memorable blessings.
No one on their death bed has ever wished they complained more.
But I can bet that most people regret that they wish they enjoyed life more.
You have that opportunity now.