Being Grateful Is A Big Game Changer
Dr. David Moffet BDS FPFA CSP
Dental Practice Management Specialist > Dental Practice Profitability Expert > Dental Operations Consultant and Coach.
I had a message come across my desk earlier in the year.
And putting things simply, the message read:
“Being grateful is a game changer.”
The message pointed out the simple fact that most people out there walk around with a scarcity mentality that causes fear and anger to manifest in their lives.
And isn’t that the truth.
Just think about it….
Aren’t there people out there that you know, that each and every time you make a suggestion, they always raise a negative outcome as a possibility.
And often that negative outcome is something that is not on your own radar.
And nor is it an outcome that you would ever have given a moment’s thought to.
Because it’s a negative outcome that will never eventuate [in your mind].
Here are some examples:
People who say:
“I hope that I can do it.”
“I hope I have the strength to do it.”
When really, they know they cannot possibly do it.
Because if they could, they would respond:
“Yes. Let’s do this!”
“I’m looking forward to it.”
Do you see the difference?
So how do we address this thought process that acts like a dampener on our ambitions?
Because, in order to succeed, we need to be able to over-achieve.
And in order to provide great service, we need to be looking at what we are doing, and what we are saying, each and every day, that we can improve upon, each and every day.
And sometimes it is purely a shift in our thinking that will improve our outcomes.
If we can project our thoughts without any negativity, be it conscious negativity or subliminal negativity, we will be able to convey optimism and convey a feeling of abundance to our world.
And to do this, we must begin from a position of gratitude.
We must be grateful for what we have, and from that gratitude we will grow.
When you rewire your mind to think about everything you are grateful for, it changes everything.
When you are grateful for every challenge, every hardship and every lesson in your life, then your world will change.
Do not be resentful and bitter about your moments of hardship.
Look upon those experiences for what they were.
And that is moments of education.
Every negative experience we have provides us with a moment to learn.
We learn from our mistakes.
And we learn more from those mistakes than we learn from our wins.
Without struggle there really is no reward.
When you change your mind and become thankful for your struggles, then they will stop being an issue and will become a blessing.
Begin every day by saying five things that you are thankful for.
Encourage your team members to all do the same.
And watch things change.
Being grateful, and looking for the positives on a daily basis will stop you from focusing on negativity and the things that you don’t want.
Doing this for a month, for a year, or better still, forever, will dramatically change your personal and your work experiences and outcomes.
On a personal level, you will find a positive change in the outcomes of interactions with family members and friends.
On a vocational level, what you will see is the creation of a happier and more pleasant work environment, with happier co-workers and more satisfied and grateful customers.
Give it a go and see the difference.
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