?? Being Different: Your ticket out of mediocrity.

?? Being Different: Your ticket out of mediocrity.

Let's be real, your social media game sucks. Your posts get fewer likes than a half-eaten sandwich with the crusts still lying on the table. But hey, is that not because you're too busy imitating every influencer with a ring light and an opinion?

??The Conformity Hangover.

We live in a world where algorithms determine what's "cool". Everyone's chasing the same trends like a herd of lemmings on their way to some absurd TikTok duet. Let me tell you a secret: Conformity is the ultimate highway to mediocrity. And I know, being perceived as non-conformist can hurt.

And that makes sense because did you know that your brain experiences social exclusion as real physical pain? Yeah, science, people. So yes, of course you want to belong. However... you know what's even more painful? I mean, can you imagine? You're 80, you've just had your morning prune juice, and suddenly it hits you: "Holy crap, I've been living a lie!" Talk about a rude awakening.?

??Being Different: Your superpower (or your downfall, your choice).

Here comes the plot twist: your weirdness, your strange thoughts, that weird hobby your family whispers about during Christmas - that's gold. In a market flooded with vanilla, you're the ghost pepper that wakes everyone up. Research shows that 'divergent thinking' - aka the ability to think in and outside the box with everything you find around you without completely losing your mind - is crucial for innovation. So yes, your strange ideas are not only okay, they're your ticket to the top.

By the way, you have, as humans, and here comes neuroscience: an innovation network. How blissful is that? I jumped for joy. Only that innovation network in your brain sometimes gets flattened by fear of failure, fear of change, and fear of connection and abandonment. At other times, it's shut down when you lose yourself in routine or production tasks, and then a "production network" kicks in. So now you know: it's one of those two guys.

??But... The benefits of "Being Different"?

You stand out. In a sea of gray suits, you're the one with the hot pink tie. Guess what? People remember such a "different" one. Innovation. While others are still trying to cram square pegs into round holes, you're already building a whole new game board. Authenticity. People can smell fake from a mile away. Be real, be weird, be yourself. It also saves you a fortune in acting lessons. Niche appeal. You don't have to be everyone's cup of tea. Some people like coffee, others like Red Bull with tequila. Find your tribe and embrace them.

??From outcast to outlier.

Being different is one thing, using it to conquer the world (or at least fatten your bank account) is another story.

  • Here's your game plan: Identify your weird factor. Is it your gallows humor? Your obsession with obscure '80s B-movies? Whatever it is, make it your trademark.
  • Sell it as a premium feature. You're not a bug in the system, you're a rare limited edition.
  • Find your audience. There are 7 billion people on this planet. A few thousand who are just as crazy as you is enough to pay off your mortgage. And hey, if all else fails, you can always start a cult. I hear those are making a comeback.

?? Conclusion In a world full of copies, be the original.

Yes, it's scary. Yes, you'll sometimes feel like a one-eyed alien on a planet of Instagram-worthy humans. But remember: normal is overrated, heck, it doesn't even exist. Or it exists as a construct.

So embrace your inner weirdo. Cultivate your strange sides, be damn proud of them. Because in the age of AI, algorithms, and automation, your unique, strange, human touch is the only thing that can't be replicated. Oh yeah, one last zinger: the people who changed the world are "different", they're neurodivergent (there, the word has been dropped).

And what if someone finds you weird?Thank them for the compliment and keep conquering the world, one bizarre step at a time. Because in the end, we're all just a bunch of weirdos trying to make sense of this crazy ride called life. Might as well enjoy the trip!

Tom Herregodts

Auteur bij God rijdt met een Porsche (Fysica van de Angst)

3 个月

Spot on. You should write a book, Peter: ‘Take the red pill!’ Everyone can become neurodivergent and kill his Ego or the 3 Fears that block the Seeking System or the Innovation Network in its brain: Podcast: De macht van angst | Podcast on Spotify Book brainmanagement.be/god Symposium youtu.be/4SsxaZdpy7Q #physicsoffear #goddrivesaporsche #brainmanagement #fysicavandeangst #godrijdtmeteenporsche


