Being a Designer & an Academic
Picture sent by & of Prof. Dr. Manohar Desai who painstakingly did as much during the pandemic times to teach Calligraphy classes. He has taught us during our Grad times & is an example in selfless teaching.

Being a Designer & an Academic

Are you a practicing Designer & is thinking of moving to Academics ? These may be some pointers you may want to look into.

'Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.' - Well this phrase by George Bernard Shaw's - Man & Superman(1903) can definitely not be applied to teaching in Design & Design allied fields. Design teaching is more of doing, understanding it, immersing oneself in it, learning the skillset & attempting to teach the skillset & knowledge, receiving & giving feedback to the students about continuous improvements in the skillset & knowledge. Design Educators are a growing tribe in India with the rise in number of Design Education institutes in India. Education & being an educator in itself is a daunting task, add Design to it.

There are some uncanny unavoidable realities of being an Academic in the Design field.

The famous academic Holiday.

Not much has been written on this. & the Grass is always greener on the other side. Academia happens to invite the Industry to be visiting Professors at times. We may have seen the earlier academia / Secondary & Higher secondary school academia getting the school holidays. This used to happen a whopping 30 years ago. Academics rather are involved in continuously answering the students, fellow educators queries continuously whether on vacation or not. (uff, Did I say vacation ? that's a taboo word in academics). So, to all the non-academics stop feeling jealous of no/ lesser holidays that the industry.

Also, don't ask me if I have a summer vacation because my kid has one.

Various activities :

You just teach, how come you are a leader ? You are only an educator. Well, education leaders can also be leaders. There is a lot that any educator does.

There are various activities that the Academicians do : I have picked from the reference link since it was amazingly articulated, (with no copyright infringement intended) only as a reference with the Design element added to it.

Teaching Activity

- Give course lectures & demonstrations. Find different pedagogies to teach because if the student is a creative individual, the educator needs to reinvent oneself continuously. Do our best to not be edutainers for education sake while be the best to deliver the content so that it is not boring enough for students.

- Prepare material for teaching new courses; Update material for courses already taught before. This is a continuous activity.

- Design homework, quizzes, course projects, exams, reviews, and follow strict deadlines for all this so that a schedule is worked out in advance.

- Grade students' work and exams, give feedback, see to it that the student learns the skillsets properly & is able to work on it good enough. For example : Live painting.

Graduate project supervision, Project supervision, Portfolio building, Communication building. Follow-up with their progress regularly, brainstorming, guiding on next steps, motivating, giving feedback, etc. Calm students down after rejection notifications, Act as Psychologist to students when they suffer imposter syndrome. Revise their thesis, documents etc.

Research Activity

- This is not the pre-project research one did when one was studying. It is ground research, in-situ research & research in the field all together for Design. It is not only about reading & writing papers but also about finding the practical implications in the form of visuals or products via the research. Are all the Design research publications noted in the Scopus, ABDC etc ? well, no.

Maintain a research portfolio online.

Journal writing : with strict norms coming in place, Design academics are expected to publish papers, patent etc. along with doing Design. Hence the grill of edit, revise, publish papers, response letters to conferences, grant / fund letters, reading recent papers etc are added to the list. Review papers in journals.

Learning :

Learn new topics in new areas is very essential to teach, to stay updated & to keep doing. Collaboration with researchers, Designers, Industry etc. to be done without getting your colleagues jealous about amount of work that you are doing. Well, that's a task. Getting Industry to talk to students and learning via them is an integral part of everyday work.

Miscellaneous Activity :

Conducting Workshops, organizing events inconspicuously.

Reply to emails - from colleagues, industry, students, students parents, enquiries etc.

Serve as a member of a number of committees at department/college/university levels

Write recommendation letters for students and collaborators.

Give public talks, workshops about one's work locally, at conferences, institutes etc as a KPI but inconspicuously. For that, produce conspicuous Design work.

Maintain a Social profile on various social media.

Write applications, documents, newsletters etc.

Here's the wonderful post on what does the Academic do.

Pressure & stakeholders :

Your immediate reporting Senior, Their seniors & their seniors.

Students looking up to you.

Students parents looking for answers, feedback, concerns.

Research writing & publishing pressure.

Design doing. Building your own portfolio pressure. Here's mine

Of absolutely anyone taking credit of your work.

But the Love for it:

Teaching in itself is a very satiating experience & is an exercise towards being selfless. Whenever one sees students who are doing great in life, all the above is simply washed off. Students are all so lovely & caring. The Guru-shishya tradition in India in fact makes it even more satiating. Whilst there may be educators who may be believing in the false sense of control one gets as an educator, there are many educators who work with the students, on projects papers etc and are judicious in crediting. It is always heartening to receive that first phone call that your student makes to you to tell you about the promotion they received.

Then everything is worthwhile.

Picture Dr. Manohar Desai Gratitude to my Guru after my mother who taught me & still continues to teach me to be a better educator. This picture is sent by & of Prof. Dr. Manohar Desai who painstakingly did as much during the pandemic times to teach Calligraphy classes. He has taught us during our Grad times & is a one of the very few examples in selfless teaching.?

Write up is personal.


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