Being Comfortable with Your Detractors

Being Comfortable with Your Detractors

We spend so much of our lives living for others approval. But why?

We could spend all day discussing the reason why, but I’m not a psychotherapist and I’m writing for brevity.

One of my own personal journeys has been exactly that — freeing myself from the worry over what others think. That’s not to say I don’t appreciate mutual respect from colleagues and those I manage. Yet, only when we realize it’s an unattainable dream does it liberate our minds.

In her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck: How to Stop Spending Time You Don’t Have with People You Don’t Like Doing Things You Don’t Want to Do, author Sarah Knight explores this very subject. If you can get past the use of the f-word a gazillion times, the book’s practical advice is sound.

The key to living your life on your terms and your time, means letting go of caring what others think. This isn’t a free pass to be a jerk. Instead its a relentless focus on what will make you and those you love happy. You have to learn to be able to articulate feelings versus opinions. Letting go knowing you cannot control what other people think of you and doing so is a monumental waste of time.

You have to view your time and energy like you would your cash investments. Is worrying about someone’s opinions worth the investment? Does investing your thoughts, emotions, time and energy get you closer to your goal?

If the answer is no, then there you have it.

The discipline needed to realize that most of the world, and what they think of you, doesn’t matter, is tough. You can’t get there overnight. But you can begin your journey today.

It’s time to free yourself from others views and expectations.

“A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.” — Mark Twain

Scott Gulbransen is an accomplished social media, public relations, and digital marketing pro and thought leader. Having managed public relations, social media and digital marketing at brands like Intuit, Applebee’s and H&R Block, and in college athletics. In 2014, Gulbransen was named Global Head of Digital Content at Haymon Boxing, creators of the Premier Boxing Champions series. In two short years, he helped build the most digitally advanced team in the history of the sport. Gulbransen now is owner/partner in Classic Rock Coffee Co. in Las Vegas, and also serves as the State Director of Communications for AARP Nevada. Gulbransen resides in his adopted hometown of Las Vegas. #BattleBorn


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