Being the change they want to see
All of our charitable communities work is in the heart of deprived neighbourhoods especially our active holiday camps.? Today we delivered an open access camp at Tickhill St Mary’s a more affluent area of Doncaster and guess what.....our tribe followed! Twenty seven young people connected with each other from eleven different schools as well as Ukrainian refugees who are waiting to be placed in schools. ???
I took a step back and looked at our staff team who also come from some of these communities where the children live.? That didn’t surprise me as we have worked for 20 years developing these young people to be the change they want to see in their local communities.? This team consisted of;?
Fifty percent of the team have some form of learning difficulty but have been fully supported and integrated in our inclusive Active Fusion Family.?
As the children ran in they called the coaches names with joy.? A friendly face, a safe environment, all anticipating the fun day ahead with new friendships to be made.?
One of the mums from Balby dropped her 3 children off at the door, I said to the children that I recognised them as they did me.? They said "It's our 4th camp location we follow you everywhere".? The mum said, "I always ask my friends to donate as it's the only free or affordable child care that enables my children to keep coming and they love it".?
Empowering communities, equity, diversity and inclusion, breaking down barriers, social integration, life and employability skills, health and wellbeing, keeping children safe.? This has been the best start to half term ever!?