Being Busy Doesn’t Mean Being Important
Gregg Swanson, PCC, NLP
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Being busy is something that has turned out to be a badge of honor these days. The society has gone the extent of glorifying busyness as among the things people should be proud of at large. Nowadays, relying on some simple questions like how we are doing is done easier than ever.
But then, do we need to be so proud of being busy? What is the meaning of being busy? Does the state of being busy make someone’s lifeless satisfying? Does this state make someone feel more important than those who enjoy a simpler lifestyle or those who take things slow? This is what a lot of people think about, but then, the state of busyness doesn’t look at all equal fulfillment. You need not chase the feeling of importance so that you put it as proof of being relevant.
Being hard workers can mean being busy. However, this is not something that should more critical than other people who don’t need that lifestyle. Being busy is something anyone can choose to be; it all entails filling our schedules with commitment.
The act of busyness is now used by many as an excuse to avoid hanging out with others. However, everyone tends to make time for things that seem to be important. The decision to remain committed always is what every person makes his/her own.
Different ways to reframe busyness
1. The way we talk about our schedules should be shifted from busy to full.
Wording greatly shifts the way everyone feels at large. You can have a feeling of more purposeful on the way you look at your schedules when you change the phrasing from busy to full. Staying an entire life entails all about doing things that add value to our lives and also fills us up. You don’t have to remain just busy doing anything but instead, fill up all your time with meaning and also try best to serve things that serve a higher purpose in your life. This much helps in making a selection of doing things that will make you find joy rather than doing things to make you feel someone essential or just because the project you want to do seems like something impressive to other people out there. These kinds of projects will leave you busy but not full at all.
2. Be clear on your priorities
Shifting to full is a great tool that helps you to say no. If, for instance, you say you’re busy to do something, then that means that the project isn’t a priority to you at that particular time. Everyone is trying to find time doing more important things. This is an excuse that most people use when they lack the desire or mental room to make it go through at that particular time.
Regardless of the reason behind your say, the state of being busy shouldn’t be an excuse that feels better from whichever side. Stay honest with yourself and all the people asking something from you, and acknowledge that at the moment, it’s not your priority.
If a person tends to get through your diary, can your priorities be identified right there? Will someone understand you better the type of person you’re and what you most value in life? If the answer here is not, then you need to configure your daily routine and try to look at how your lifestyle reflects all your life objectives. You will be wasting time if your life isn’t aligned to all you most need in life.
Family lovers should spend time with their people. Those who value caring for others and need and need to lead others and take on them through projects that will help your locality do that. For projects that seems not aligned to you, stay good to yourself, and stop on saying yes for them. You should be clear on your life goals and all you care about doing. Everything can be done the best way possible after you’ve aligned your decisions fully.
3. Your life should be pictured as seasons
It’s a fact that we should not always expect life to be filled with light. We should, at times, get through hard times or even spare time doing all that we don’t want to do; however, these should be thought of as temporary seasons. Don’t expect our schedules to be full always. Use those harder seasons to signify, making it more accessible, and our schedules should be given time for us to breathe and take care of our lives. For the healthy seasons, it’s time to come up with a full schedule.
Gregg Swanson is a sales performance consultant and business coach and has authored several books and numerous articles on peak performance and creator of “Sales Strong.” Gregg specializes helping sales professionals develop mental strength for optimum sales performance. You can pick-up your complementary report, “The Most Critical Step in Sales” by going HERE. Also, pick up a copy of “The 6 Essential Factors For Business Growth” by going HERE