Being a Black Sheep

Being a Black Sheep

BEING A BLACK SHEEP // Growing up, I never really felt like a black sheep in my family or in the world. I guess I was lucky. My whole thing was NEEDING TO FIT IN SO I COULD MAKE SURE I NEVER STUCK OUT.

Like everyone else, I ran the matrix program for many, many years in NYC and finally burnt out. It took me a long time, but I realized that WHO I AM IS NOT MATERIAL. It's not the job I hold or the company I work for. It's not the new expensive SUV or the townhouse I live in. It's not how much influence I hold or the power I wield in a certain community. Who I am is not MATERIAL. That was the greatest lesson I ever learned.

Flash forward to today... I KNOW WHO I AM and I KNOW WHO I AM NOT. And I’m happy with who I am and how I show up in the world. I can look in the mirror every day and be proud of the being who is reflected back to me. But it's difficult when you go home for the weekend and you are faced with members of your family who think you should be living differently. Like maybe I should have a corporate job and live up to others' expectations of who I should be? Like somehow I am incomplete and an imposter in my own life. Just because I have made certain choices outside the realm of expectation doesn't make me unsuccessful. Quite the contrary, I think it makes me MORE SUCCESSFUL because I'm living life on my own terms and I'm honest with myself as to what that means. Maybe happiness is different to me?

Somehow, somewhere along my life's path, I have become the BLACK SHEEP of my family, the one thing I was always afraid of - not having people's approval. But today I realize that the BLACK SHEEP ARE THE SPECIAL ONES. They are the ones who STAND OUT OF THE CROWD. They are the ones who wake everyone else up to the illusions they hold. They are the ones who shake it up. You’ll never miss a black sheep in the crowd. Your eye will go right to them and they’ll have a special magic to them that’s only discernible to those with a pure heart. IT TAKES COURAGE TO BE A BLACK SHEEP. It takes courage to stand out of the crowd and be yourself. I'm here to make a statement with my life and in my own special way, make a difference in this world. #beingablacksheep

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.

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Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Column at the NY OBSERVER, click here.

If you would like more information on Intuitive Life Coaching/Numerology Sessions with Donnalynn, click here.

If you would like to schedule a session with Donnalynn, click here.


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