Being is the way it is!


I hate these hate posts in these walls and the posts and the stories that are told, screamed out the exhausted disciple.

Why so? asked the saint.

Does it not affect you?

It used to and it does sometimes, replied the saint.

That is what I am talking about.

But these walls and posts and stories are something you chose.

I do not want to miss the good ones, said the disciple.

What is your being when you are with these spaces?

I feel so frustrated, and frustration stays with me for longer times.

It is anyway your choice. You still can do something about it.

Like what? Curious was the disciple.

When you are frustrated with walls and posts and stories, stay with it. Watch your being and stay until your being changes to peacefulness with the fact that these things exist the way you see it.

Damn difficult it is, said the disciple.

I have read this somewhere, said the saint, "The number of roses on a rose plant is a lot lesser than the thorns it has". And that is just some fact.


