"Being Awake in a Woke World"?      (It's Time to End Our Critical Thinking Slumber)

"Being Awake in a Woke World" (It's Time to End Our Critical Thinking Slumber)

In today’s modern digital world, we are being constantly bombarded with narratives that heighten our tension. These narratives add more noise, create even more confusion on the important societal issues that face us. Saying it is a wild and woolly world out there is a major understatement. It is a serious challenge for us to stay focused and relaxed, to keep a handle on our emotional states. It appears common sense, critical thinking, and rational thoughts have evaporated from our human consciousness.

Words change meaning overnight. Up is now down. Down is now up. Left is right. Right is left. Catch my drift? We are not only fighting each other, but we are falling prey to increased anxieties and fear. We are being swayed to and fro by every wind of someone else’s doctrine and this practice is not sustainable for any society. Division fermented by false narratives can destroy an entire nation. In fact, it is a tactic that's been used by nefarious forces since the beginning of recorded history. Tactics that generate fear among the populace have destroyed millions of human lives. The only way for this trend to reverse course is for us as individuals to do it, to truly wake up and take relevant actions that can put an end to this manufactured confusion.

These days, we have heard the phrase about us ‘being woke’ but, what does ‘being woke’ really mean? More sensationalism and hype coming from fear-mongering people, organizations, and governments with their own agendas that do not serve or benefit the whole population? For many, ‘being woke’ has created even higher levels of fear and greater divisions between people. This current ‘woke-situation’ is another eye-opening moment for all of us. History has taught us that fearful, divided people are easier to manipulate. Everyone knows the axiom, “A house divided will not stand.”

Again, humanity finds itself at another critical juncture. Things are happening at breakneck speed and we need time to breathe, time to think about what is vitally important for the human race. Indeed, we need to take stock of ourselves and behave in ways that reflect our truest core values, those that truly benefit ourselves and others.?Now, we have a genuine chance to show strong personal leadership, to exercise legitimate courage, and to be awake in a world that has been put into a common sense, critical thinking, rational thought slumber. We need to question and reject narratives that create heightened fear and more division between people. And yet, despite the apparent challenges, I have great faith we can do it.

I am certainly not a soothsayer of doom. Far from it. I remain optimistic about the future. In the past, divided people have managed to overcome the most daunting challenges. Here are some things we can do right now to make things better:

·???????Meditate. Introspect. Find a spiritual connection.?

·???????Question everything. Let us not take the words or positions of others as being the Gospel truth. The greatest gift we have is our brain and our ability to use it. Free will and choices are blessings.

·???????Use your own intuition, that gut feeling has helped humankind survive for centuries. There are legitimate reasons when something does not feel or sound right. Usually, because it goes against our own values or reasoning.

·???????Study history. It is never too late to pick up a book and learn from the past. Studying history can provide great reference points and help us to make rational decisions about the issues at hand.

·???????Rely on the wisdom we have gained by our own experiences in life. Common sense has great value here, especially when others are trying to sway us in a different direction, away from our intelligence.

·???????Respect the positions of others, but remember, they are only opinions, not necessarily fact.

·???????Eliminate anger and resentment. Embrace compassion, kindness, and love. Remember, the Golden Rule.

·???????Seek constant ways to self-improve. Look for viable solutions.

·???????Develop acumen and critical thinking skills. Practice patience and tolerance.

Please feel free to add to this list of positive actions. Shed some of your own light. It is always better to collaborate on workable solutions for success, not find more reasons for us to fail or to continue to fight.

Some interesting reading for deeper thinking:

“Thinking Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman (2013)

“You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto” by Jaron Lanier (2011)

“A Field Guide to Lies: Critical Thinking in The Information Age” by Daniel Levitin (2016)

“Practical Intelligence: How to Think Critically, Deconstruct Situations, Analyze Deeply, and Never Be Fooled” Audiobook by Patrick King (2019)

“Exposing Lies Deception Management: Understanding, Identifying and Controlling Deception” by Dr. David A. Camp (2011)


John Krotec, A.H.O., C.P.D.的更多文章

