Being All of YOU is No Walk in the Park #Authenticity

Being All of YOU is No Walk in the Park #Authenticity

Dear Young People,

At the core, I believe we should all strive to show up unapologetically as exactly who we are daily but rarely do we discuss the real implications of taking such a BOLD decision. Showing up as yourself and not a carbon copy of someone else is no walk in the park. It takes a lot of confidence, perseverance, emotional intelligence, grit and a deep-seated connection with self to appear and be perceived as more than a caricature or shell of your true self. To live each day as authentically and as truthfully as only you know how comes with strings attached. The world doesn’t just allow you to be yourself without experiencing levels of FRICTION and PUSHBACK from INTERNAL and EXTERNAL sources. Let’s explore some key ones!

Who do You See When You Look in the Mirror?

On the OUTSIDE, you’re up against:


Being exactly who you are and honing this internal power is triggering for many people. Most individuals navigating society are simply not showing up as themselves daily. The vast majority choose to don a false image and accede to the moulds that society presents before them and find it challenging to emerge as a raw and unique being. And then here comes YOU! BOLD, CONFIDENT and EMPOWERED. You mirror exactly who they DREAM of being and YEARN to embody and it triggers them. They resent you for it even though your aim is never to hurt or alienate. They are WOUNDED and there’s nothing that you can do about that! Their perceptions, whispers and glances may be unsettling but that’s none of your business. Your obligation is to YOURSELF.


To wake up daily as a proud representation of your truest self is to be FOUND. Many are LOST. Those who haven’t found their footing in life and are misaligned will try their utmost best to project their uncertainty and distrust of the world and themselves onto you every chance they get. Most will do it unknowingly and you have to be SOLID and STRONG in your self-belief and self-concept to not fall prey. Their misgivings, delusions and unhingedness are a reflection of their inner world and not yours. Be on your guard always as negative projections are like Crazy Glue. Once they’ve stuck to you, they’re very hard to shake off. Stick to your own SCRIPT.


Owing to the trendiness of the word AUTHENTICITY, there are numerous imposters running wild in society with a false air of groundedness and self-esteem. To truly SHINE is to deeply understand and ACCEPT that a STAR is housed in us all. Be very wary of those who have mastered the game of the FRONT and keeping up appearances but are truly dishevelled and disoriented by the presence and impact of your LIGHT. These are the silent snakes lurking in the bushes that you have to be cautious of. They may congratulate, support and uplift in public but secretly await your wreckage in private. Develop the DISCERNMENT to read and identify them from a mile away. Guard your tongue and employ WISDOM in their presence. They do not want you to SHINE at all; not even the slightest. However, it’s your BIRTHRIGHT to keep doing so!?

Build a Relationship with the Person in the Mirror.

On the INSIDE, you’re constantly fighting your:


Self-sabotage is REAL. Those voices telling you that you’re not good enough or you’re not smart enough or you’re incompetent or you’re unworthy are NOT your FRIENDS. 100% of the time they’re hinged on a myriad of irrational fears that we inhabit within ourselves as we journey through life. Instead of succumbing to their crippling pressures, use them as INTERROGATION POINTS and CATALYSTS for your evolution. Go to the roots, be honest with yourselves and investigate why these feelings are surfacing in the first place. Oftentimes, they’re the residue of past traumas and pains that we’ve failed to address. Don’t let them stunt your GROWTH and certainly don’t let them stop you from claiming everything that is meant for YOU.


An enlightened version of SELF has a high propensity to consistently trigger those former unhealed versions of yourself that you’ve failed to grieve appropriately. When we think of the term ‘past lives’ we always think of lifetimes that we’ve lived before this one but rarely do we consider that we’re living a completely different life now compared to 5, 10 or 15 years ago. Who you were THEN isn’t always who you are NOW. Your goals, aspirations, environment, circle, circumstances, beliefs, values etc. have changed drastically or evolved which is remarkable. However, the issue arises when we try to hold on tightly to the versions of ourselves that WERE and forget to embrace the version that IS right now. Don’t lose sight of your current or future reality by holding onto your past. Embrace what it was and what it taught you but lay that which no longer serves you to REST.

Moreover, be your authentic self but know that it presents its own hurdles and obstacles that you must overcome. Numerous external and internal forces will try to break your stride daily but you must COMMIT to being your best self. The beauty in the journey lies in the fact that being yourself unapologetically pays dividends in the future. While there are people who will be triggered by your journey, there are many who will be INSPIRED and MOTIVATED to be the best that they can be. Don’t starve the world of that glory and immense benefit by HIDING or DIMMING YOUR LIGHT. It’s EXEMPLARY to be exactly who YOU ARE.

Wishing you All a Productive Week!

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