"You do not know what kind of Spirit you are of!” (Luke 9: 55) / To Write                  this Inspirational Message in the Language of Architecture

"You do not know what kind of Spirit you are of!” (Luke 9: 55) / To Write this Inspirational Message in the Language of Architecture

These Words inspired the Symbolic language of Architecture I composed to design this Church Complex that was named after the Philosopher and Friar St. Thomas Aquinas, as I shaped this project to symbolize the presence of The World of Spirit, manifested in Seven basic directions derived from the letters to the Seven Churches in the book of the Revelation, to symbolize Man’s Spiritual Divine Essence, and the way that people’s Spiritual powers and senses are activated beyond the limitations of their physical senses, as the symbolic presence of these Eternal Spiritual Truths gives Architecture an Everlasting value.

According to the Bible, All People are spirits that are originally formed of The Eternal Spirit of God, the way that Genesis explains the creation of Man in the Sixth day, where each day with God in The World of Spirit is like a thousand or even million earthly years, and a thousand or million earthly years are like one day, when God took some soil from the ground and formed a Man out of it; And He breathed Life-giving breath into his nostrils, so the Man began to live. (Genesis 2: 7),

Thus, Man began to live by that breath of the Spirit of God, that Seed of Spirit which made Man different from all the other creatures, a matter that explains how Man built the civilizations by the Spiritual powers of creativity, imagination, thoughts and feelings which represent the outcome of the gifts of that Seed of God’s Spirit to Humanity. Moreover, according to Genesis; All creation other than humans came into being following a Word of Order from God, but when it came to creating Man, God Himself formed the First and Every Man by shaping people by His own Hands, giving them A Seed of His Spirit, The Godly Seed of Spirit that can grow to make Man like God and in His Holy Image.

Therefore, According to the Bible, All human beings are shaped of that Seed of The Spirit of God, Unlike the entire other creatures; and according to the book of the Revelation; This Seed of Spirit manifests in Seven directions which are Spiritual Godly Gifts given to people, in different shapes and various levels, to let them All have these gifts regardless of their belongings and backgrounds.

I explained the Seven directions of the gifts of The Seed of Spirit that all people share, which are Seven Absolute Spiritual Truths, and the way they can be expressed symbolically in Architecture in my book:

The Seven Godly Keys Towards Perfection

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This book was an introduction to speak about that Human Seed of Spirit, and according to that Seed of Spirit which all people share, and which manifests in Seven directions as a Human Spirit, I designed many public projects that have different functions other than the Church buildings and complexes, to symbolize that Divine Essence of Humanity, and many of these public projects ?are shown and explained in that introductory book.

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According to Christianity, this Human Seed of Spirit needs to turn into an Everlasting Fruitful Spiritual Tree, by uniting with The Original Eternal Spirit of God Who is The Source of The Eternal Life, to let Man go beyond all the physical limits and live Eternity; And This Truth is manifested clearly to the ones who their Unlimited Spiritual Senses and Powers are activated beyond the physical limitations; Otherwise, when the human Spirit remains far away from The Original Spirit of God, these Seven Spiritual directions remain limited, imperfect and lack the capability to reach The Spiritual Perfection, unless they come to unite with The Spirit of Perfection Who is The Spirit of God.

But the Imperfect Mortals cannot unite with The Perfect Immortal without opening the seals that lock the doors of Perfection, and for this purpose, Christ Who is the incarnation of The Holy World of Spirit came in human flesh to this world in the person of Jesus, to open the gates of The World of Spirit (which is Biblically called The Kingdom of God) after His resurrection and glory on death, the gates of The World of Holiness, Perfection and All Light, to let Man unite with God in Spirit, shaping for him the path of The Spiritual Perfection, to save Humanity from the darkness of the physical Imperfections that are Biblically called “sins”, and to activate Man’s Spiritual senses and Powers, to let him: Search for the Truth in All Light, Unite with The Truth, Live The Truth. and Be The Truth,?where this Spiritual activation only requires a deep will and a clear decision to take the path of The Spiritual Perfection that Christ shaped, to reborn in Spirit and let The Holy Spirit of God dwell in Man and unite with his Seed of Spirit, without the need to do or perform any specific procedures, rituals nor to pass any ceremonial stages.

Christ never talked about starting a new religion for a specific group of people, but He came to open the Gates of The World of Spirit and All Light to every Man who longs for Holiness and for The Spiritual Perfection, to go beyond the religious limitations that belonged to the world of the Unknown, when the gates of Light were closed and The World of Spirit was isolated from people;?For God is a Spirit, who dwells in All Light where darkness has no place to dwell; Therefore, Christ declared that Man needs to born again in Spirit, explaining that need in His teaching in (John 3), then to Unite with God in Spirit as Christ mentioned that in (John 14 – John 17), and after the Resurrection of Jesus, He asked His disciples to go and teach all the nations His message of the Spiritual Perfection and the Spiritual Unity with God, all the nations regardless of their backgrounds and belongings, to let them go beyond the limitations of the Unknown, and live in all Light, far away from the darkness that leads to uncertainty and hesitation. (Mathew 28: 19-20); And to confirm that Christ’s message is to reach all the nations who represent all the people who are originally shaped of The Spirit of God, Christ declared this Truth when a Samaritan village did not welcome Him, because He was heading for Jerusalem, and the disciples James and John saw this, and they asked: “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from Heaven to destroy them?” But Jesus turned and rebuked them: And He said: “You do not know what kind of Spirit you are of. For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them”. And they went to another village. (Luke 9: 52-56).

Christ used to speak everything to the crowd in parables, the way He explained His Spiritual teachings about the things that were hidden since the creation of the world (Matthew 13: 34-35), ?and this matter was foretold by the prophet Isaiah who lived in the 8th-century BC, as these Symbolic parables’ teachings went beyond the limitations of the direct meanings related to the limitations of the direct words, to present the unlimited Truths in Symbols, because the Spiritual meanings related to The Unlimited Truth can hardly be presented by direct limited words; Therefore, Symbolism was the language that Christianity used to preach the good news of opening the sealed doors of The World of Spirit, the way that the Symbolic language of Architecture can also express the Spiritual Truths that were spoken by Christ, to let these unlimited Truths manifest in Reality, so that people can enjoy living Spiritually in God’s “All Light”; But some authorized people who were not given the knowledge of the secrets of the Kingdom were not able to deal with the symbols of Christianity that reveal the Highest Truths, and they used their authority to turn these symbols to secrets and mysteries in the dark, against the Will of Christ, changing The Message of The Truth and All Light in Christianity to a religious message which they made it struggling once again in the darkness of the Unknown, making the different opinions in the dark live again, away from the Light of The Truth that Jesus preached, these different opinions of their false imposed darkness divided the Church to many sects, and changed the curtain that was torn after the Resurrection of Christ, that curtain which was torn to reveal the Light of The Truth where God symbolically dwelled in The Most Holy Place in the Temple, as these imposed different opinions replaced the old torn curtain with another new one (not-torn), to re-conceal The Truths that Christ Symbolically revealed and to re-isolate Man from God once again, keeping people’s relationship with The Lord away from The Complete Truth in All Light.?

Also, according to Christ, Holiness is a Spiritual Status rather than religious, a Sublime Spiritual Status that is shaped by the Unity with the Holiness of God, to let the Seven Spiritual directions manifest in Man: In Love and Unity, in the Eternal Godly Life and the Everlasting New Beginnings, in Wisdom and Clarity, in Power and the Supernatural Capabilities, in The Spiritual richness, in The Spiritual Talents and Blessings, and in The Spirit of Humbleness.

And these Seven Spiritual directions that are related to Holiness are symbolically expressed in the language of Architecture of this Church Complex project, supported by the presence of certain techniques of Seven colors and as follows:

1) Symbolizing Love and Unity is supported in this project by the presence of Mirrors when the expression is related to uniting Heaven and Earth, which is the Unity between God and Man; And also supported in this project by the presence of the color Grey in generally expressing all the levels of Unity in the project.

2) Symbolizing The Eternal Life and The Everlasting New Beginnings is supported in this project by the presence of the color Red.

3) Symbolizing Wisdom and Clarity is supported in this project by the presence of the color Black.

4) Symbolizing Power and The Supernatural Capabilities is supported in this project by the presence of the color Brown.

5) Symbolizing The Spiritual Richness is supported in this project by the presence of the color Orange.

6) Symbolizing The Spiritual Talents and Blessings is supported in this project by the presence of the color Light Beige.

7) Symbolizing The Spirit of Humbleness is supported in this project by the presence of the color Dark Beige.

The Arch that supports the Church building’s Round- Shaped window in the front elevation consists of Seven stones of granite, each of them has one of the Seven colors above, with the central Grey Granite stone that represents a Key stone of Love and Unity to support all the other stones and the Whole Arch, consolidated by the additional support of two other Grey Granite stones that represent the jambs of the Arch.

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These Seven Spiritual directions of Holiness manifest in all the fields of Life rather than being limited to the religious ones, All the fields like Art, Science, Philosophy and others, to make all these fields go beyond the limitations of the physical imperfections that belong to the shades of quasi truths in the darkness, and search to reach the Complete Absolute Truths and the Unlimited Spiritual Perfection in All Light, where These Seven Holy Spiritual directions are based on Man’s Unity with God, after being re-born in Spirit; And they are symbolized in this Church Complex as follows:

1) The Symbolism of Love and Unity:

With the Seed of Spirit that dwells people regardless of their backgrounds and belongings, Unity is One of the most important reflections of Love; The Permanent Absolute Love behind creating everything and All Being; Where No body explains Unity as division or distinction, and Nobody denies the defects of lacking Unity in any field in life, for the lack of “Unity” in the work of Individuals and their relationships represents a major factor that has led to many disasters on Earth, like pollution, imbalance in nature, climate change, the side effects of medications and many others.

The analytic division of individuals into specialties and sub specialties away from each other has made each of those individuals build a tower for his/her specialty, regardless of the harm they cause to others, and to the environment. Moreover, in solving many problems analytically, other bigger problems are created elsewhere as a result of these analytic solutions!

A systemic thinking that concentrates on the relations and sub relations of Unity among the individuals to create their Oneness is highly required to avoid those disasters which affect the earth, people and the whole universe. As the Unity of different individuals who have different skills, specialties, and talents in a one systemic whole is ultimately required like the Body as a unit that is made up of many different individual parts, and though all its parts are many, they form the one body.

But Christ opened the gates of Perfection and The World of Spirit to those who take the path He shaped, giving Love and Unity a new dimension, beyond the physical limitations, to let Man unite with God in Spirit, the Unity that represents the greatest ever gift that makes Man like God and in His Holy Image, giving all the Eternal qualities of The Lord to Man, where Man begins to love “Everybody and All” the same way that God loves “Everybody and All”, as Christ said:

“You have heard that it was said, “Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.” But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect. (Matthew 5: 43-48)

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In Architecture,

I expressed the Unity in Spirit between God and Man in this Complex, in the new main entrance lobby of Al Hayat hospital, where the strips of mirror represent extensions from the Day Star Mirror that symbolizes the incarnation of The World of Spirit in the person of Jesus Christ Who is The Light and the incarnation of Light in the World, symbolized by The Mirror Star which is The Christmas Star and the Morning Star as well, according to His Words in (Revelation 22: 16).

These strips of mirror unite the ceiling with the walls, the diagonal members with the horizontal and vertical ones in this Space, where all these mirror strips and the lower grey granite strips symbolize the Unity between Heaven and Earth, and the Spiritual Unity between God and Man.

I was hoping that this technique would be applied in many other places in the project, especially inside the church building, but a later change of order postponed those suggested symbolic treatments and even changed the use of this church space, and turned it temporarily into a second multi-purpose Hall.

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In Planning, this Complex is shaped of a Hierarchy of Central Spaces of multi levels of details, where these Central Spaces represent Collective Places that unite all the activities of the Complex all together in this project’s different levels of planning; Moreover, Grey strips in this project extend everywhere, to unite the whole project all together, Inside and Outside, while Mirrors mark the centers of many spaces’ ceilings, the centers that unite everything around them to emphasize the expressions that symbolize the Collective Unity.

2) The Symbolism of Life and New Beginnings:??????????????????????????

According to The Seed of Spirit, with every New Beginning we set into Being, we go against a certain flow of difficulties that will crush us!

It will crush us Externally but can never touch us Internally; When we deeply believe,

When we deeply believe that we can go, and we Keep going on;

Our Unbroken Spiritual Inside will support our Broken Physical Outside, and this Is our true Unbroken Broken New Beginning which is a Victory over all the difficulties; and a true sign of Life; In Giving Birth to a New World that had never been before, leaving all the pains and death behind, to mark a Glory that simply started with a dream!

The Unbroken Broken is a real expression of all the difficulties which are prior to every true new beginning in this world, a Truth that nobody can deny in any field in life, and The Unbroken Broken in Christianity is directly related to The Cross and The Resurrection.

In Architecture, I expressed The Cross and the Resurrection symbolically by emphasizing the relationship between the inside, and the outside.

The Cross affects the outside; (the external physical body), while the Resurrection starts from the inside; (the Spiritual deep inner-self)., The Cross hurts the outside, but can never touch the deep Spiritual inside, as The concept of a broken external architectural body symbolizes the Cross, showing a correlation between the human suffering and the brokenness expressed on the Cross which can really look like a failure.

In carrying the Cross; The Spiritual deep inner self gives a strong support for the crucified body to rise again from brokenness. Where this Resurrection in Architecture can be symbolized by re-supporting the external broken body by some internal belonging elements.

Inside, the building is perfectly Geometric, to symbolize the Spiritual deep inner self. And this ideal Geometric order expresses the Perfection of the inside, which is destined for Eternity in Christianity, and in my works of design, the Inside is usually characterized with a special technique of materials and colors to be identified clearly.

Outside, the building has a broken external mass that symbolizes The Cross, as It is usually broken in a way that may logically lead to a failure. No failure happens, where the broken body is re-supported by some internal belonging elements that have the same internal technique of materials and colors. And with those internal belonging elements, the external broken body is protected from falling down, looking like rising again as a symbol of The Resurrection, where This Resurrection gives the outside both a visual and a structural stability.

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Moreover, The Cross of Christ and His Resurrection opened The Gates of The World of Spirit, which are The Gates of The New Beginning of The Eternal Life, to let Man go beyond the limitations of the imperfect physical world, and Spiritually unite with God Who is The Source of The Eternal Life, shaping the path of the Cross and the Resurrection for every Man to reborn in Spirit, a matter that represents an Everlasting New Beginning and a glory over physical death. And as long as The Church symbolizes The Holy Body of Christ in Christianity, the external brokenness of the Church building that is re-supported by Internal belonging elements represent a direct expression of The Cross and The Resurrection of Christ Who opened the Gates of the World of Spirit to let this World manifest in Seven Spiritual directions, and this is exactly what happened in the design of the Church building in this Complex, where The Unbroken Broken Theme of this Church building directly symbolizes the words of Christ when He said:

“Destroy this temple, and I will raise again in three days.” John 2: 29

As the right external corner of the Church building is broken and shifted, but yet strong and re-supported by Internal belonging red granite elements, and the Church’s main Entrance is also Broken and re-supported by red granite combined with grey granite too, for the grey granite is related to the Unity with God in Spirit in this project, to lead to the Inside where the presence of the Seven directions of the manifestation of The Spirit inside The Church is expressed, to symbolize the dwelling of The Holy Spirit of God inside Humanity, when The Seed of Spirit grows to an Everlasting Fruitful Spiritual Tree.

Also, the red granite combined with the grey granite extend from inside to support the broken outside of Al Hayat Hospital, St. Thomas High School’s building and many other parts that define the Complex Outside.?

3) The Symbolism of Wisdom and Clarity:

With the Seed of Spirit, nobody denies the defects of lacking Clarity in any field in life, nor denies the negative consequences of imitation and illusions,

This matter obviously manifests in the path of Life, where many doors appear along the way, some of them are clearly true doors, others are false doors shaped by imitation and illusions, related to people’s choices, like choices in their relationships, careers, studies, or in many other fields in Life.

The Earthly Wisdom dwells within the darkness of the limitations of the physical world, it fails to give completely clear ideas, conclusions and decisions concerning The Truth, because of the limitations of the physical senses that many times lead to false doors, but when Man is reborn in Spirit and unite with God Spiritually, this matter opens the True doors of All Light, where The Everlasting Godly Wisdom dwells, to make Man go beyond all the limits of the physical darkness and find The Complete Everlasting Truths that dwell in The World of Spirit.?

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I expressed these ideas symbolically in designing this Complex, where a piece of internal belonging Black Granite blocks a False door at the Out-Patient sector of Al-Hayat Hospital. Anyone who insists on trying to open this door would immediately fall down to the basement level! But with that piece of Black Granite which blocks this False door the whole situation becomes completely safe! And this False Door becomes totally locked!

A strip of red granite in the floor design leads to this black granite piece that blocks the False door, and as long as red granite is related to the expressions of the Cross and the Resurrection in this project, this matter symbolically indicates the power of the Wisdom of the World of Spirit, to where The Cross and The Resurrection lead, that Wisdom which takes place as a result of the Unity in Spirit between Man and God, to block the false doors, which the spirits of imitation and ?illusions shape, a matter that makes Man distinguish between the darkness of the false doors shaped by these evil spirits, and the Light of the true doors shaped by the good Godly Spirit of clarity, for Not all spirits are good Godly Spirits that belong to Light, a matter that The Godly Wisdom can sharply observe, to distinguish between what’s False and what’s absolutely True.

This Godly Wisdom brings Science, Art and Philosophy to deal with The Complete Permanent Truths in All Light and to rely on them, rather than dealing with the impermanent Theories and relying on the probabilities that are based on people’s propositions in the darkness of the limitations of the physical shades of Truths.

4) The Symbolism of Power and Supernatural Capabilities:

With The Seed of Spirit, one of the most important manifestations of Power is Respecting the natural Laws and order set by The World of Spirit, a matter that all the people can share in this world, But when they challenge these Laws and the natural order, this challenge represents a manifestation of the weakness that has brought many disasters and negative results like pollution, climate change, and many unexpected consequences like the side effects of medications and other negative results, in many fields of life.

Also, Respecting the natural Laws and order means Respecting Humanity, a matter that represents a prior Divine Will, for God had set the natural Order and all these natural Laws to give priority to serve Man who is the only creature that is blessed by God’s Seed of Spirit; Moreover The Lord had even changed these natural Laws Supernaturally and miraculously, many times when the matter required saving, protecting and serving Man who is The Lord’s main target. And when Man unite with God in Spirit, he gains these Unlimited Supernatural Capabilities as Spiritual Powers that can bring Miracles in this World when it comes to fulfill Holy purposes.

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I expressed these ideas Symbolically in designing this Complex, like my design for the Internal Central Space that includes “The Ark of Light!” at Al Hayat Hospital’s Outpatient Sector, where this “Ark of Light” represents a Symbolic inner Skylight to bring Light and shine into a dark basement at the floor level below; ?A Source of Light that symbolizes everybody who has his/her Spiritual Senses activated Outside the darkness of the limited physical senses,

To search and bring The Truths of The World of Light to manifest in the darkness of the limited reality, regardless of the risks, the troubles, and the difficulties caused by those who enjoy the illusions of the darkness! A matter that is symbolized in this place, by locating the inner Skylight intentionally under a column that brings down the structural loads of 3 floors! Where the Power of Mercy of a Brown Cap of Granite was there to transfer the structural loads laterally, and protect the Skylight of Glass from being crushed under these loads!

According to all the limited standards and measures of the physical world, no piece of Granite can do that in Reality! But when The Supernatural Power of The World of Spirit interferes; (Miracles happen and Everything becomes Possible)!

To symbolize the way that The Power of Mercy of The World of Spirit controls and protects everything in heaven, on earth, and under the earth until all the purposes of all things are perfectly met!

Seats are turning their backs to this Ark! To symbolize the way that people turn their backs to every “Ark of Light”, the way they did to Noah before the Great Flood!

Another Symbolic expression is a niche design inside the Church, where the vertical structural members within this niche have an intentionally unstable rounded white circular base, but yet stabilized by another brown granite base that surrounds this rounded base and holds it to give it the lateral stability it lacks, symbolizing the Supernatural power that interferes to bring stability and balance to protect and save Humanity and the world until all the purposes are perfectly met!

5) The Symbolism of Spiritual richness:

With the Seed of Spirit, People’s Spiritual desires differ than their Physical needs; Where lacking the Spiritual desires will surely lead to Spiritual Death, unlike lacking the physical needs that may lead to physical Death; And when Man is reborn in Spirit, a new stage of reaching The Spiritual richness begins beyond fulfilling the physical needs, as the unlimited Spiritual desires can even be abundantly fulfilled to reach the Spiritual richness without fulfilling the physical needs, and with no relation to them.

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I expressed these ideas symbolically in designing this Complex, in the new extensions at St. Thomas High School for Girls, in which two new classrooms were added at each floor, to be connected to the existing other classrooms in the school building.

Although a linear path was more than enough to functionally connect those new two classrooms with the rest of the existing building, but I made a central space within that linear link to create a possible pleasant pause that has a Spiritual value which is more than just a functional requirement, where this central space is defined by orange frames to be a place that reflects a Spiritual richness beyond the direct functional and physical requirements, for The Spiritual Life is more than just moving in a continuous linear path, as people have their Spiritual desires to find time to pause, to stop, to meet and to interact, and times to think and re-think!

Spiritually, many times these pauses turn to be the most valuable and focal stations in people’s lives!

6) The Symbolism of Spiritual Talents and Blessings:

With the Seed of Spirit, every individual has his own unique Talents, and Talents are there for individuals to create a Spiritually Meaningful Living, but when they neglect their Talents or use them negatively in making a Spiritually Meaningless living, they lose their Talents even when they work hard to achieve enormous Spiritually Meaningless accomplishments, for Talents are there to use them right or lose them!

When Man is reborn in Spirit, he faithfully starts to achieve great Meaningful accomplishments even with the small Talents he has, the way that he later gets more and more greater Talents, until being blessed by Unlimited Supernatural Talents as a result of being united with God in Spirit.

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I expressed these ideas in designing many places in this project like the elevation of St. Thomas Aquinas High School’s administration building. In this elevation, Columns are symbolically reflecting different attitudes of different individuals!

Where Some Columns look like bearing, but they are not the Main Columns!

Other freestanding Columns are Not bearing and Not caring cause there are others who bear!

While Other Main Columns are bearing the heaviest loads! And many of them are Hidden behind the scene!

An image of what’s happening in our world, where “Bearing” symbolically defines the basic Talent of Columns

Talents are Spiritual Gifts that define everybody’s Spiritual identity and his Unique Status in The World of Spirit, and as I said above, Talents are there to “Use them right or lose them”; So when people neglect their Talents, they lose them! And they lose their Spiritual identity and their Unique Status as well, even when they attract attention in a position like that where the “False Columns” that are not bearing stand within the Elevation’s central window, to dominate the scene inside and outside, thinking that the whole building was made to glorify their presence! But the Truth confirms that they can easily be removed from there, and the building can stay safe without them! Even when Golden mean proportions were applied in shaping them! For they are “False Columns” that symbolize Irresponsible Individuals who think that their choices will keep them healthy, safe and away from the loads and the pressures of Life!

Instead of those False Columns, Two Simple “Light Beige Granite” Columns at the jambs of the lintel, who look like minor individuals, are bearing the loads, to take the responsibility and achieve a great accomplishment, even when some people are calling them “Slaves”!

Other Main Columns use their Talents greatly in bearing, even when they are Hidden, where those would become pillars in The Temple of The Everlasting Truth! Because Nothing hides from the Eyes of The Truth!

The same Symbolism is expressed by another niche design inside the Church, where two white marble columns that were supposed to bear an Arch above are not bearing at all, while two small Light Beige Granite pieces under the Arch are transferring its loads to the rear wall, to achieve a great accomplishment with the small capabilities they have.

7) The Symbolism of The Spirit of Humbleness:

Extreme individuality and pride and trying to use others to build personal Empires lead to chaos and negative competitions in incoherent societies, and with The Seed of Spirit this matter is totally unacceptable to anybody in this world, because individuality becomes stronger when people collaborate to build their collective Unity, where the value of the Whole supports the value of each part, rather than having competitive parts with No Whole to gather them!

And when people are reborn in Spirit, The Spirit of Humbleness opens unlimited gates of new integrations that strengthen both the parts and their Whole Oneness at the same time, the individuals and their collective societies too!

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I expressed these ideas symbolically in designing this complex, in the new Al Hayat Hospital; where I expressed this symbolism in the Out patients Clinics sector, as many spaces and walls are rotated with different angles in plan, to give each part of them an extreme singularity in being more identified than the others. In case that each part would be finished with an extremely different way than the other parts, then the “Whole” that gathers these parts would be chaotic! Where each part among the extremely different parts would cancel the presence of the others who would cancel its presence as well, like the way that each musician who has a role in a concert decides to play the music that he loves, regardless of the others, where a chaotic result takes place, as each part (musician) tries to cancel the others and the “Whole” that gathers those musicians to play a one collective concert too! But when the parts humbly agree to follow a one collective plan, the result would be a great success for both the collective level and the individual one too; The same way here in this plan, when the parts humbly agree to have a one unifying technique that includes continuous wall strips of dark beige supported by other continuous grey wall strips at the lower courses, this treatment unifies and re-joints every single rotated part to take it back to unite with the “Whole” that gathers the parts, where all the parts are finished with this same special technique, which includes the dark beige and grey strips. Also, the floors and the ceilings designs are unifying and re-jointing these rotated parts to unite them back with the original grid and order of the plan, to achieve the Collective Oneness.

This interior design shows how the dark beige and grey wall strips, the floors, and ceiling designs unite all the walls including the rotated ones to focus on the expression of humbly re-uniting those intentionally rotated parts to gather them back to the original “Whole” plan to achieve this symbolism.

This Complex in Baghdad was a Multi-stage project that I started designing it in 2004 and it was completed in 2014.


Luay Buni

Independent Architect Designer & Researcher (Internationally certified)

3 年

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2022 :)



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