Behold the Turtle

Behold the Turtle

Life is a funny thing...

From the moment of birth, we start dying.

Punch as hard as you want, swing up and duck hard left, and keep swinging with all you got, but the Train of Inevitability?is calling your name from day one.?

And from day?one, the sands begin to slip away....

And yet, and yet...

So skip hard and scrap slap up the sidelines and scale hardways up the hill to claim only that which you can... which is another way of saying just be true to yourself for the Gods and Goddesses?Almighty Above recognize?how ridiculously awesome sauce you are, indeed you are so amazin' to the point that it will shake the Streets of Heaven Herself and the candles of The Silver City will sway as you sashay?and ganter and walk oh so towards your Place into the Book of Humanity.?

Pardon me here, as the winds of my mind blow so... From the moment of consciousness, as we open our eyes, as we hit the proverbial beach of Life and hit it oh so hard, swinging up to the shorelines left and then crashing, crushing and crunching up to the right saying, "Hey, hold on!, I'm still here so please don't go riding' that long black train solo and please don't punch my ticket to join you as we go slip slop sliding away in the sway and gray, for hey as much as you might have some words, so I might have?something to?say to..."

I'm just a baby in all of the Universe.?But hear me, please, for my voice counts for something!

And all the Stars and Agents of the Above bow down....?

Albeit you may not see it like that, Thermodynamics supersedes and the Law of Oneness eclipses, and Perpetual Transmutation of Energy takes over and closes Us in towards the Lesson of the Turtle.? Including the Laws of the Universe and the lessons Sir Issac Newton with his visions and vibrations and vibes, of all the waters of attraction that ebb and flow between us all, of cause and effect, and compensation of the soul with all the polarity and the rhythm of the Stars stirring Above, and swift up my gender Lord!, please allow me this indulgence?here of the share of the lessons of the Turtle.?

So we begin...

Everyone was laughing at him.

He had no outcome other than failure, right?

Place your bets boys, for it's inevitable he's gonna fail and remarkably?so.?

He's just a turtle after all!?

A rabbit verses a turtle, ha, this is ridiculous.

No way was there any other outcome but what all they prematurely thought up on the race lines.

And then the day slipped away as did all of their sense of reality...?

The rabbit skipped up against some tree, napping hard, lassoing up some ticket on a long black train that held such hope that offered him wins, and all the while the turtle twirled and turned and twisted, his left foot before his right, turning his effort towards all things worthy.?

Persistence...?and never wavering, he moved towards the goal that he always held close to his heart.

As the crowd laughed away the day, the rabbit just skipped and scrambled and scabbled?his way, pausing and pivoting for nothing, for no?other reason than he could think of, knowing?his so-called competition was not on the rock and hey "it's only a turtle!"

So let's turn our attention now to the Turtle.?

Persistence.?Tenacity.? He never quit.? It was in his nature to endure. Despite the obstacles?and the nay-sayers, he never swayed.

The rains came hard, the winds blew this way and that, the clouds formed hard above, no relevalation of relief, storms rolled into the East and the despartion?hit hard from the West.?But still the Turtle heard not the negativity and kept walking into the fuse of whatever bomb that awaited him.?

Everyone, and I mean all souls in the room, told the Turtle "You aint gonna make anything of yourself let alone win this challenge!"

Undeterred, he pushed forward.?

You all know how this ended.?The rains hit harder, the winds swept sideways more fierce, and the land was not on his side.?But he persisted.?And when it came down to the end, when it was just seconds of decision to decide the victories and spoils, when the rabbit and so called competitor saw how close it was coming down to the final grinds and grands of sand, with all he had left in him, when the last raindrop fell, when the last laugh escaped from the crowd, when all the odds fell before him, he reached out but the Turtle extended his neck to lasso up the trophy that was always written in his name....?

And the Turtle won the day and the light of the Rainbow..?

So therein is the lesson.?

Never quit. Keep marching towards the Light.?And despite the junk that people toss at you, keep walking towards the goal line... and when the punch is pushing you too hard, just hold your beautiful eyes towards the pulse and pace of the goal, and when you feel like crushing and crashing down, know that you're not alone.

Remember the Turtle.

And just hold on Child... and if you can, if you're able, have some faith and be willing to stick your neck out for victory is just around the corner.

You are more wonderful than you yet realize. If it were in my power, I would show you such revelations and colors and vibrations. You're gonna make it. Just hold on for the proverbial turn of the corner is just right the bend. We're almost there...

So glad you're here!


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