Behold! The mighty power of ...

Behold! The mighty power of ...

...doing it!

You can read as many self-help books as you want but it won't give you that power unless you really want it! You can go to your therapist twice a week, but he won't give you the power unless you really want it! You can buy a lamp and rub it, but Genie it won't come out and give you the power unless you really want it! Ok, this last one may not happen...

The power lies within your willingness to act... Unless... someone like the former president of the USA "motivates" you!

"Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it." -  Dwight Eisenhower

You're in charge. You don't need others to motivate you. You may need a little push, but that's it.

"Ability to motivate" is often considered part of the leadership competencies list. Ok... and how does a leader get motivated? Strange, isn't it? I think it is a fancy name for "persuasion". I'd rename it to "ability to make others see what they need to do, start it, be happy doing it and deliver". But as a description. Not as a name - it's too long. 

One who's led has been given (if not innate) the "ability of self-motivation". The leader should know when there's lack of thrust and give it that push. The real power is not his/hers but you cannot be a leader without it!                           What?! Yes! Otherwise, how could you stay "motivated" in order to "motivate" others?

The following questions are not a prescription... it's more like a diagnosis.

Do you like what you do? Are you happy while doing it? Do you feel recognized? Do you often hear "well done!"? Do you feel you're trustworthy? Do you feel your part of the whole thing? Do your deliverables have impact on the organization? 

If the answer to these questions is "yes", well... I'm proud to announce that you have the power!

Ranjith Galabada.

Lean & Operations Management Specialist who help organizations to improve the value in the eyes of customers.

8 年

I fully agreed what you have stated. Finally, what matters is your own Mind set. You got to be Positive in your Attitude. Be Mindful.


