Behind the Wheels of Porsche Taiwan Presents: Nuoya Wang

Behind the Wheels of Porsche Taiwan Presents: Nuoya Wang

Team Spirit at Porsche Taiwan

For Nuoya Wang, Procurement Manager at Porsche Taiwan, “team spirit” at work is the balance between individuality and harmony, the equal emphasis on team-work and personal growth, and the perfect blend between Western and Eastern cultures.?

Open Dialogue and Mutual Respect

“A big part of my job is to work with people from various – if not all – departments across the company,” Nuoya explained, “this means that healthy communication is the most important element to achieving maximum efficiency.”

For a single project, say, an event co-hosted by multiple departments, Nuoya must first work with the relevant departments in identifying the most suitable vendor, then move on to working with the departments of Controlling, Accounting, and Legal Affairs to confirm and discuss the follow-up action, a process that can often be complex, but must always be meticulously followed. “To efficiently work with people from different departments, I have to also adapt to the ‘personalities’ of different departments,” Nuoya explained, “luckily, Porsche Taiwan has always prioritized teamwork, it’s a company that is constantly finding ways to connect its employees.”


Employee training programs such as the DISC Personality Workshop, where employees not only get an assessment of their strengths and weaknesses but also the color-coded LEGO bricks representing individual’s personality for the community to better recognize and understand each other, guided Nuoya towards greater comfort and efficiency in working with others, optimizing interactions amongst colleagues even when conflicts arise. Not only so, routine one-on-one meetings with department director, as well as career?development plans every employees are encouraged to map out allow Nuoya, along with her colleagues, to find personalized ways to excel at Porsche Taiwan, fostering an environment where everyone has equal opportunity to shine.

“At Porsche Taiwan, everyone is encouraged to both speak their minds and listen to others,” Nuoya said, “only this kind of constant team-building can we achieve a strong sense of mutual respect.”

The Art of Collaboration and Support

One of the most challenging projects Nuoya was handled with at Porsche Taiwan was to identify a service provider that can support Porsche’s state of the art charing solutions for customers within electric vehicle industry. From working with the project managers in charge of different type of charging solutions and finding the most ideal and compliant vendor, to confirming necessary certificate required by Taiwan Power Company and the government, Nuoya had to overcome one challenge after another to accomplish this tremendous task.

After months of preparation, consulting with the technical and procurement departments from headquarter, ?and checking for every possible errors in her proposal, Nuoya made a successful presentation to Porsche Headquarters ?and got final purchasing approval. “The ‘what’ and the ‘why’ of every project is always much simpler than the ‘how’,” Nuoya recalled, “behind the ten-minute presentation is months of extensive collaborations with different stakeholders both internally and externally.”

To Nuoya, the project’s success was a group-effort. Not only did everyone involved put in full effort, exerting professionalism and confidence when needed, full transparency was kept in every step of the process, allowing trust to be formed.

“I believe in teamwork that comes from hard work, mutual respect, and good communication, which is the precondition for obtaining win-win situation” Nuoya said, “and, thankfully, that is exactly what Porsche Taiwan provides.”



對於保時捷台灣採購經理 Nuoya Wang 來說,工作中的「團隊精神」是主見與和諧的平衡,團隊合作與個人成長並重,以及東西方文化的完美融合。


「我工作的很大一部分是與其他部門的同仁一起合作,」Nuoya 解釋道,「因此,順暢的溝通對我來說非常的重要。」

任何一項工作,比如協助舉辦跨部門聯合活動,Nuoya 在每一個環節都必須全心投入,先是與該項目部門合作並確定最適合的廠商,再是與財務控管、會計與法務部門協商並確認活動的後續計畫。這是個複雜的過程,但每一步都必須嚴格地遵守。「為了與不同部門的人高效合作,我也必須適應不同部門具有的『人格特質』,」Nuoya 解釋道,「幸運的是,台灣保時捷一貫重視團隊合作,總是用盡各種方法集聚員工之間的凝聚力與信任。」

台灣保時捷所舉辦的員工培訓計畫正是提升 Nuoya 與他人合作的效率及舒適度的完善管道。例如, DISC 性格測驗,不僅提供各員工優勢與劣勢的分析與評估,更將不同人格歸類成不同顏色的樂高積木方塊跟同仁分享,讓每一個人更即時的認識與理解彼此,即便在發生衝突時也能優化同事之間的互動。不僅如此,團隊內例行的與領導一對一的會議,以及每位員工製定的職業發展計劃,皆讓 Nuoya 和她的同事們能夠找到專屬於他的卓越與成就,讓每一個人都能在工作中展現自我。

「在台灣保時捷,每一個人都有表達想法及傾聽他人的能力,」Nuoya 說,「公司創造許多機會讓大家溝通暢通無阻,讓我們更能相互尊重及信任。」



Nuoya 在台灣保時捷接手的最具挑戰性的專案之一正是協助在台灣本土尋找可以滿足保時捷總部指標的充電樁廠商。從與負責不同類型充電樁的項目經理合作找尋最理想且合規的廠商,到確認符合台灣電力公司及政府部門指定的充電認證許可 ,Nuoya克服了許多挑戰後才完成這項艱鉅的任務。

經過數月的準備,從諮詢總部充電網絡技術部以及採購部同仁相關事宜,到檢查提案中所有可能存在的錯誤,Nuoya 終於成功地向保時捷總部提出了針對全台充電樁更換的建議,並且通過審核。「每一件專案的由來及內容總是比過程簡單得多,」Nuoya 回憶道,「一場十分鐘給總部的報告背後都是累積數月的跨部門合作及心血。」

對 Nuoya 來說,一個項目的成功是集體努力的結果。不僅每個參與的人都全力以赴,在需要的時候自信地發揮自己的專業及優勢,所有同仁在每一個環節都保持透明化的溝通,從而建立出團隊的信任。

「我相信良好的合作源於每一個人的努力、相互的尊重及良好的溝通,這亦是在工作中實現共贏的先決條件」Nuoya 說,「而這正是台灣保時捷所提供的。」

Annette Edel

CFO at Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd.

2 年

You are professional, humble and not afraid to speak-up - to name only a few reasons why you became a highly respected team member in such a short time. Thank you for teaching us: 和而不同 Harmony but not uniformity.

Mette Uth

Head of Commercial | Consultant Manager | Consulting | Recruitment | Nordic Life Science Consulting Group

2 年

Happy New Year Nuoya! Porsche is lucky to have you. All the best for 2023

Christian Nater

CEO Porsche Taiwan

2 年

Dear Nuoya, thank you for sharing your personal story! We are very happy that you have joined Porsche Taiwan Motors Ltd. Looking forward to listening to future success stories!

Youjie Zhang

Pharma Manufacturing ITOT | Project & Program Management

2 年

Amazing Nuoya Wang ??


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