Behind the Wheels of Porsche Taiwan Presents: Max Leibbrand
Working with Passion at Porsche Taiwan
Within five years, Max Leibbrand, Customer & Prospect Management Manager, Team Lead at Porsche Taiwan, has worked his way from Porsche Korea to Porsche Taiwan, from Business Development to the Marketing Department and to leading the Customer Experience Team. Always embracing new challenges while striving for excellence, to Max, everything is possible with enough enthusiasm and drive.
Bring Smiles to all Customers, Prospects and Fans Faces
“To me, excellence is not only doing your job well,” Max said, “but challenging the status quo to keep on improving.”
That may be easier said than done, but Max has worked out his own way of doing so, by setting a simple and clear mission: bring joy to Porsche customers, prospects, and fans. Be it by honing in customer preferences through rigorous market research and extensive data analytics, or optimizing digital services such as My Porsche and Porsche Connect to appeal to customers’ needs first-hand. Max and his team are going above and beyond to enhance the experience around the brand and bring smiles to customers’ faces.
But, the work doesn’t end here. Not only has he strived for excellence with his team at Porsche Taiwan, Max wanted to enhance the customer experience across all dealers in Taiwan. To create such impact is not a simple task, especially when different culture and demographics created unique, locally specific pain points for each dealer.
To encourage local Taiwanese dealers to pursue greater customer experience, Max and his team designed a program – the Dealer of the Year contest. From standard customer interactions, across direct customer feedback to interior and infrastructure enhancements, dealers across Taiwan were encouraged to not only prioritize their customers’ experiences but strive for greater excellence. Be it maintaining Destination Charging Stations at each center, or having Porsche Pros always at bay for product related consulting, the program invigorated the dealer network to find inspirations for improvements even in the details. Through monthly status updates, Max and his team tackled various challenges with individual dealers, exchanging best business practices and sharing knowledge to truly elevate Porsche’s customer service across the board.
“Even something as small as changing the way our dealers take pictures of cars for our online platform turned out to be crucial in bringing enhancing customer experience,” Max recalled, “the improvements were reflected through overwhelmingly positive customer feedback. That’s how you know you achieved excellence.”
The program proved that even something so detailed can bring impact, or, in this case, a smile to a customer’s face.
Finding Empowerment at Work
When asked to define empowerment in Max’s own terms, one word came to his mind: trust.
“I feel empowered when I’m given autonomy and freedom in my work,” he said, “when I know that my capabilities are trusted by the people I work with, I feel more confident and supported… that’s when I can really shine.”
Whether it was having full creative freedom designing the Porsche Taiwan LINE account for optimized customer experience and digitized customer service, or, as a leader, learning to let go and fully support his team members in their personal contributions and growth, Max believes that building an environment based on trust is the key to maintaining a positive work environment.
“Another aspect to what we call ‘trust’ is also keeping faith in your goals,” he added, “we’re always reminding ourselves “why” we do what we do, only then can we stay enthusiastic.”
“It’s critical to visualize your goals,” Max pointed out, an action as simple as showing his team pictures of actual local customers — ideally, with a big smile on their faces — can be enough to inspire him and his team to strive towards greater excellence.
In seeing the customers’ happy faces, to Max and his team, tasks become points of empathy, long emails and voices on phone calls become real people they care about.
“Only when we’re reminded of the core purpose of our work, can we stay motivated and trust in the work we do.”
五年之內, Max Leibbrand 在保時捷累積了豐富的經驗,從韓國保時捷的實習生到台灣保時捷顧客管理與發展經理,從商業開發部門跨足行銷部門的客戶體驗團隊,Max 一路以來追求卓越、不被挑戰侷限,開創自己獨特的道路。對他而言,只要有足夠的熱忱與動力,任何事物都有無限的可能。
「對我而言,『卓越』不只是謹守崗位,」Max 說到,「而是要突破現狀、超越自我,精益求精。」雖然這說來容易,但 Max 對「精益求精」有一套自己的作法,且他追求的目標只有一個:為保時捷客戶帶來喜悅。不論是透過深度的市場研究及數據分析來釐清客戶期望,或是透過優化 My Porsche、Porsche Connect 等數位服務來即時滿足客戶需求,Max 與他的團隊致力提升保時捷品牌體驗,為所有客戶帶來滿足的微笑。
除此之外,他所追求的卓越也不限於台灣保時捷。Max 希望深耕台灣各地的經銷商,提升整體市場的客戶滿意度及品牌形象。當然,創造這樣的影響並不簡單,尤其當各個經銷商都服務著迥異的客群、面臨截然不同的挑戰。因此,為了鼓勵經銷商追求更好的客戶體驗,Max 設計了一項年度比賽 – 最佳經銷商年度大賽。從基本的客戶互動與回饋到展間環境的優化,各經銷商不僅更加注重客戶體驗,也開始大膽嘗試、反覆試驗,追求更完美的表現。這個企劃激起了大家追求卓越的動力,不論展間中的目的地充電站維護,或 Porsche Pro 的產品操作解說與諮詢,再微小的細節也能找到改進的靈感。Max 也透過每月的評估,與各經銷商一同面對挑戰,交換生意建議並分享知識,確保全面提升保時捷的服務水準。
「我們發現,就連改變經銷商們為 Porsche Finder 拍攝汽車的方式,也能提升客戶對我們的好感,」Max 回顧,「這一切都有被客戶注意到,我們的優化也都反應在他們的正面回饋上。正因如此,我們知道自己正在進步。」
該計劃證明,即使看似微小的改變也能帶來影響,而對 Max 與他的團隊來說,他們帶來的影響正是客戶臉上所露出的微笑。
談到在工作中找到發揮空間,Max 點出了他認為最重要的元素:信任。
無論揮灑創意,設計台灣保時捷官方 LINE 帳號以利數位化保時捷的客戶服務並優化客戶體驗,或是以一個領導者的角色,學習信任並支持團隊成員的貢獻及成長,Max 相信建立一個基於信任的環境是維持積極態度的關鍵。
「對我而言,能實際的看到你的目標非常的重要,」Max 點出。一個簡單的動作,像是在工作時看到客戶的真實照片 – 理想情況下他們臉上會掛著燦爛的笑容 – 就足以激勵 Max 與他的團隊持續為夢想奮鬥,實現自己的目標。當他們看到客戶開心的樣子,乏味的個案變成值得同理的故事,繁瑣的信件、漫長的通話不再只是文字與聲音,而是一群他們真正關心的客人。
If you can make it up, you can build it.
2 年Congrats!Awesome character, awesome lead, great future ahead Max Leibbrand !
CEO Porsche Taiwan
2 年Dear Max, you are real brand ambassador with passion and dedication ???? We are very happy to have you in Porsche Taiwan Motors Ltd. Family. Keep on pushing????