Behind the Wheels of Porsche Taiwan Presents: Emily Cheng

Behind the Wheels of Porsche Taiwan Presents: Emily Cheng

Taking Responsibility

“When you know by heart your duties and your goals, that’s when you can fully realize your potential.”

To Emily Cheng, Senior Tax and Accounting Manager at Porsche Taiwan, having a thorough understanding of her own role, as well as the core values of the brand she works for, are essential to not only collaborating with people across departments, but finding purpose and enjoyment at work.?

Integrity Through Dedication and Positive Influence

“As an employee working in the Finance Department at Porsche Taiwan, it is crucial for me to always maintain integrity,” Emily stated. What that entails, to Emily, are two things: first, to always be honest and maintain her stance on what she believes to be right, second, to positively influence her colleagues with the same sense of duty.

Not only does Emily put in effort to carry out her role at Porsche Taiwan, providing managers and directors with financial advices when needed while assisting colleagues across all departments with an amicable and approachable attitude, since joining Porsche Taiwan in 2020, Emily and her team have worked together on various projects in enhancing the Finance Department. From developing over fifty standard operational procedures for optimal efficiency and consistent performance, to implementing new digital systems in hopes of automating the company’s accounting services, Emily finds fulfillment in dedication and excitement in innovation. To Emily, maintaining a positive outlook at work not only allows her to keep integrity, but inspire others to do the same.


“My hope is to work towards a positive and passionate environment with my colleagues,” Emily stated, “since a happy environment is the best condition for anyone to grow.”

Working Together Towards Excellence

“Traditionally, it’s easy for accountants to fall into rigidity at work, which makes sense, since we have to abide to so many laws,” Emily said, “my goal, however, is that while I uphold my responsibilities and follow the rules, I keep an attitude of openness and understanding in working with my colleagues.”

The way Emily sees it, as somebody who holds knowledge in accounting and tax, her role is to be the financial consultant of her colleagues, supporting them in achieving their goals and succeeding in their responsibilities. “Afterall, only excellence built together brings me actual feeling of success.”

One memorable example, as Emily recalled, was the auction of the 50 Years Anniversary One of a Kind model. Despite sounding like a straightforward task, complications behind a company hosting a fundraising event quickly became more complex and difficult than expected. But Emily had faith in herself and her colleagues, and, after months of rigorous planning with both the Marketing Department, Legal Affairs and Tax Auditors, the event turned out to be a great success. Not only was Emily able help host an auction that was both completely legal and charitably impactful, she checked-off many milestones and new lessons learned throughout the process.

“What I enjoyed most was the process,” Emily recalled, “when you are surrounded by a group of people who truly believe in the work they do, every exchange of ideas and discussion becomes a joyride – it’s absolutely invigorating!”

To Emily, It is satisfying to learn and grow together with the team in the process, taking responsibility at Porsche Taiwan not only is a personal duty, but a community goal, one that she feels motivated to work towards.

?全心全意 承擔責任


對於台灣保時捷資深財務經理 Emily Cheng 來說,透徹了解自己在工作中的本分以及她所服務品牌的核心精神,不僅能讓她更有效與跨部門的同仁合作,更能幫助他在工作中找到自我目標及樂趣。



?「身為台灣保時捷財務部的一份成員,始終保持誠信對我來說至關重要,」Emily 說。對她而言,所謂「誠信」意味著兩件事:首先,始終誠實並堅持她認為正確的立場,其次,以同樣的責任感積極影響她的同事。

Emily 不僅努力履行在工作中的職責,在關鍵時刻為高層主管們提供財務建議,更以平易近人的態度協助與指導各部門同事。此外,自 2020 年加入台灣保時捷以來,Emily 和她的團隊不斷地推廣各種專案以優化財務作業流程。為了提升部門效率,他們建立了 50 多項部門內的運作規則和標準程序;為了朝自動化會計服務發展,他們推廣了各種數位化系統。一次接著一次, Emily 在不斷精進與創新的過程中找到成就感。對她而言,真正的「誠信」來自於對工作的積極態度,而她更希望能透過他的熱情激勵身邊的同仁。

「我希望能與同事們一起營造一個積極向上、充滿熱情的工作環境,」Emily 說,「讓大家都能在歡樂中成長。」


?「一般來說,會計的工作很容易因為許多需要遵從的法規而變得死板,甚至讓人覺得難以合作,」Emily 說到,「然而,我的目標是希望在履行職責和遵守規則的同時,保持開放及善解的態度。」

對 Emily 而言,擁有會計及稅務知識的她可成為同事之間的財務顧問,支持他人實現自我目標、履行職責。 「畢竟,只有共同打造的卓越才能讓我真正感受到成就感。」

一個令人難忘的例子是保時捷在臺 50 周年獨步紀念款的拍賣會。儘管聽起來是一項簡單的任務,但整個籌款活動實際上是一件既複雜又高風險的事。經過一次又一次與行銷部門及法律事務部門及稅務會計師的溝通及規劃後,最終成功地舉辦了盛大的拍賣會。這不僅協助完成了一場既合法又具慈善影響力的活動,對Emily來說,更能從過程經驗中學到了許多新的知識與法律規定。


「我最享受的其實是前期艱難的過程,」Emily 回憶道,「因為當你與一群真正在乎工作、追求卓越的人合作的同時,每一次的交流與討論都是非常有趣且令人振奮的!」

對 Emily 而言,在過程中和團隊一起學習成長是一件很滿足的事情,而在台灣保時捷承擔起自己的責任,不僅僅是個人的義務,更是每位員工共同擁有的目標,這也是她在工作中實現目標的最大動力。

Avanti Zone

Avanti Automobile Trading LLC has been incorporated in 2014. Group having head office based in Al Quoz, Dubai.

2 年

Thanks for sharing

Rouven Marquardt

Director Business Development at Porsche Taiwan

2 年

Emily, I remember one of our first meetings when we brought Employee Leasing to Taiwan. Always positive, always helping, always competent. Fast forward to 2022 & nothing changed. Really appreciate your company!

Christian Nater

CEO Porsche Taiwan

2 年

Dear Emily, thank you for sharing your inspiring story. We are very happy to have you as valued member of PTW Finance Team. Beside your skills in Tax & Accounting, everyone likes your focus on the relevant details and especially your kindness.

Annette Edel

CFO at Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd.

2 年

It is a real pleasure to work work with you, Emily Cheng. Not only are you a rolemodel for integrity and responsibility, you also always wear a smile no matter what challenges you handle.


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