Behind the Wheels of Porsche Taiwan Presents: Amy Wang

Behind the Wheels of Porsche Taiwan Presents: Amy Wang

Stay Hungry

Warm, hospitable, and full of life: these are the words to describe Amy Wang, People Excellence Manager & Team Lead at Porsche Taiwan. As a leader in people development, Amy never ceases to radiate open-mindedness and warmth in her coaching style, as well as embracing an entrepreneurial spirit in discovering learning opportunities for both herself and people around her. To Amy, changes and growth cannot be forced, but cultivated through time, patience, and experience. With an unswerving positive attitude, she strives to bring the best?to Porsche Taiwan, pushing her community towards greater growth and enrichment. One secret ingredient to continuous growth, to Amy, is to maintain an “empty-cup” mentality – one must have an open-mind, like that of an unfilled cup, to take in new knowledge and find growth.

Persistence, Always Going the Extra Mile

For someone whose full-time job is to interact with different people – from dealers’ Sales Consultants to Technicians, from Directors to Newcomers – it is critical for Amy to stay true to her mission, for only when she is confident in what she advocates for can she find the strength to empower others to follow suit.

“The key, for me at least, is to always go the extra mile,” Amy pointed out, “when you show other people how much you care about something, you inspire them to put in the same effort in listening to you.”?


Be it implementing new product and brand training for dealer staff, or leading internal training for employees at Porsche Taiwan, Amy is always looking for ways to go above and beyond. Even the smallest gesture like, say, giving out individualized handwritten cards to participants in Sales Training and memorizing the name of everyone she meets, can go a long way.

“I hope that by treating them with great importance and care, they feel motivated to treat their customers with the same hospitality,” said Amy.

But, when it comes to going the extra mile, Amy fulfills it not only in helping others grow at Porsche Taiwan, but finding a way for herself to excel, exceeding even her own imagination.

“I try to maintain what we call a ‘sportsmanship mindset’,” Amy said, “and that is to have the persistence to improve, knowing your goal and putting in full effort to succeed.”

The perfect example of Amy’s ‘sportsmanship mindset’ was her experience back in 2019, when she was assigned to organize the Porsche Taiwan New 992 model’s Product Training Event in Malaysia. Not only was this already a difficult task, doing so with neither experience in planning an official event nor any prior knowledge of the vehicle is, according to Amy, as daunting and impossible as teaching a language you can’t even read. Regardless, she never gave up. Over an intensive 2 weeks, she learned to adapt her training skills into organizing and hosting the event, utilizing her usual thoughtfulness and attention to details to create an event that was both educational and entertaining. And, with her enthusiasm and persistence, Amy not only succeeded in launching the 992 Product Training Event, but she learned an incredibly valuable lesson: with an open mind and empty cup mentality, she can do anything without limitation. Besides the ongoing people development projects Amy implements, she also welcomed new assignments every year such as Porsche Taiwan Spring Party, Rollout of Building Customer Experience Culture and Operation of new People Excellence Centre.

?Building a Shared Home to Foster Sportsmanship

To Amy, people development isn’t simply values implementation or skills training, but a long process of building trust with the person. Her goal is to understand every person she interacts with empathy, and, more importantly, support them in their growth.

“In the past, our training workshops and events were conducted in many different places, which made it difficult to plan for and unify employees to participate,” Amy recalled, “our goal was to create a shared space that is not only cozy and comfortable, but optimized for learning and development.”

With this goal in mind, came the establishment of the People Excellence Centre, a multi-purpose space designed for training, conferences, events and workshops in various scales. Not only is the venue equipped with advanced digitization for increased work efficiency, the People Excellence Centre featured comfortable lounge and bar areas with the combination of wooden accents and pops of colors to enhance the inviting atmosphere, integrating productivity with warmth. Within a year of establishment, the Centre has successfully become a second home for the Porsche community. From events like Sales & After Sales Training to Dealer Conferences, customer experience workshops to employee movie nights, the Centre has become a hub for the Porsche brand experience, where new connections are made, and creative ideas are exchanged. To Amy, this People Excellence Centre as such was a platform for her to bring joy to her colleagues, but to foster an environment driven by passion and sportsmanship.

“End of the day, I hope to create authentic happiness to those around me,” Amy said, “to know that my work can bring positive influence on people – could be a new set of skills, or simply the pleasure of feeling belonged – fuels my passion for greatness.”


溫暖、友善、充滿活力,正是對台灣保時捷事業發展部人才發展經理暨專案管理主管 Amy Wang 最好的形容。負責引領人員發展的她,永遠散發著開朗且親切的教練風格,帶著創新精神為自己與身邊的人找尋成長的機會。對 Amy 而言,改變與成長並非一蹴可幾,而是經過時間的磨練與經驗的累積所養成。她以堅定不移的積極態度,努力為台灣保時捷經銷商體系打造更全面的學習環境與氛圍。其中她的一個訣竅是保持空杯心態,當水杯是清空的時候,便能注入更多的知識技能與經驗讓你不斷的成長。


對於每天與各式各樣的人互動的 Amy 而言,不論經銷商銷售顧問或專業技術人員,高層主管或公司新血,忠於自己的工作使命非常重要,因為要成為他人願意跟隨的領袖,必須先相信自己所提倡的內容。「對我而言,成功帶領他人的關鍵之一就是盡心盡力的付出,甚至超越身邊同仁的期望」Amy 說到,「當你展現對一件事的用心與投入,才能期待他人以同樣的心力來傾聽你的意見。」


?不論是為經銷商夥伴開設的產品或品牌訓練課程,或是對台灣保時捷員工的內部訓練課程,Amy 總會嘗試用不同的方法,讓每一個人感受到她的用心。她深信微小的舉動,譬如曾為每位參與銷售訓練課程的學員撰寫充滿溫度的歡迎卡片,以及記住每位學員的名字,能創造長期的正面影響。「我之所以把我的學員視為貴賓,也是希望他們用同樣的方式接待客戶,給予最好的服務。」Amy 說到。

除了將「盡心盡力」的態度展現於栽培他人,Amy 也用以要求自我成長,總是期許自己突破期待。「我總是抱著運動家精神面對工作中的種種挑戰,」Amy 說到,「這代表力求進步、精益求精,知道自己的目標並全力以赴。」說到「運動家精神」,最令 Amy 印象深刻的例子是她在 2019 年在馬來西亞舉辦台灣保時捷全新 992 車款的產品上市訓練活動。在她的回憶中,舉辦如此盛大的活動非常不容易,身為一個既沒有規劃官方活動經驗,也不懂任何汽車知識的人,這就如同要她教導學員一項她自己也不會的語言。但 Amy 並未因此放棄,在短短兩週的密集籌備期間,她的潛力被激發,並將自己訓練他人的技能轉換為活動組織、接待來賓的能力,善用她一貫的體貼與對細節的琢磨,創造出一個既有教育意義又兼具娛樂性的難忘活動。憑藉著她的熱情與堅持,Amy 不僅成功舉辦了 992 產品訓練活動,還學到了非常寶貴的一課:以開闊的心胸及空杯心態面對挑戰,就沒有任何困難可以侷限住她。Amy 除了執行人才發展的新專案外,每年也不斷迎接全新任務,例如主辦台灣保時捷的春酒派對、推廣台灣地區客戶體驗文化、經營與管理全新的人才卓越中心。


對 Amy 而言,人才培養不僅是觀念教育或技術訓練,更是與他人建立信任的漫長過程。她的目標是以同理心去包容每一個人,並且支持他們的成長。「以往我們所有的訓練及活動都沒有專門的場地,因此在組織安排上有諸多不便。」Amy 回憶道,「我們的目標是為台灣保時捷體系建立一個舒適、專為學習和優化員工發展的公共環境。」為了這個目標,人才卓越中心因應而生,以創新為特點建立了一個彈性、多功能用途的空間,滿足各種訓練、會議、研討會和活動的需求。不僅搭載了先進數位化設備以提高工作效率,還設置了寬敞、舒適的休息區,透過木質裝飾與現代感色調營造出獨特而溫馨的氛圍,讓大家在舒適的環境中盡情發揮創造力。


成立不到一年,人才卓越中心便已成為台灣保時捷的第二個家。從銷售及售後訓練到經銷商大會、客戶體驗工作坊到員工電影之夜,人才卓越中心實現了保時捷夥伴們互相交換想法、創造連結的場域。對 Amy 而言,像人才卓越中心這樣的規劃不只是為了帶來同仁之間的和悅,更是培養運動家精神的地方。「在一天的課程結束後,我希望帶給大家的是快樂與舒適的體驗,同仁可以在這邊互相交流並有所收穫。」 Amy 說道,「知道我的工作可以帶給大家正面的影響,不論是一點點的啟發、學習一系列的新技能,或是對品牌產生歸屬感,都是驅動我持續向前的熱情來源。」


長期服務電信業的新事業群 持續學習 擁抱挑戰

2 年

Wow 學姐有酷!

Michael Haese

Director Configurationmanagement bei Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG

2 年

Awesome, Amy!

Catherine Tang

Media Expert | Strategist | Brand Building | MBA

2 年

Well done Amy!


Owner, Chief Morph Officer @ Leadership Morph | Brand Ambassador & Faculty @ Leadership Circle | Faculty @ Co-Active | Certified and Multilingual Coach

2 年

Wah, Amy! So proud of you! ??????

Zaini Miftah Wahyudi

QA and R&D Manager di PT Pola Paperindo Jayatama

2 年




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