Behind-the-scenes stories of Yoga Science popularization: A Historical Overview
Shree Vinekar, MD, DLFAPA, DLFAACAP, FACPsych
Professor Emeritus at OU College of Medicine
Part 27, continuation of previous article. The author is not gullible but has an open mind. He is aware of trick photography and fake fires. However, the story of "Fire Yogi of Tanjor" recorded on You Tube is available to anyone and everyone. The author ran into it many years ago. This information is intriguing and presents a challenge to scientists, if it is true. Writing it off as some illusion will be like alleging fake video production by You Tube. I will urge the readers to see the video with their own eyes with an open mind and if they feel they are being deceived not go further into reading this section of the article. If one is curious, then see if the science as we know it may have limitations. Even if this entire presentation is an illusion or some kind of magic the point this author wants to drive home is that homeostasis is the ability to maintain the steady state of balance within the body and mind when facing environmental stressors. Fire is an extreme example of environmental stressor and unless the "tanmatras" are calibrated to sense the burning temperature of fire at 146 degrees of centigrade (Celsius) or more without feeling the heat or burning pain, reducing the sensor (receptor) to ashes instantly, or the intracellular proteins coagulated instantly, in reaction to the fire, burning the skin and deeper tissues to what are known 2nd to 3rd degree burns would be the normal experience. In this yogic feat the yogi defies all of the normal consequences of exposure to fire. It is a lesson for us even if this entire illustration is not true that it is possible to increase the range of tolerance of stressors with some yogic techniques. After learning the concept of homeostasis one needs to understand that human body and mind have the potential to withstand extreme stress without breaking down and to retain the normal health and balance in the body and mind. The author has no personal knowledge of this phenomenon nor has any personal connections with those who are publishing the following reports. These phenomena were never studied by Dr. S. L. Vinekar in the Kaivalyadhama Laboratory. This is not an invitation to any yogi to attempt this feat. These disclaimers may be redundant but are necessary in this age. The author is fully aware that he will be viewed as exhibiting blind faith and unscientific attitude and his character and integrity as a scientist or professional in his own speciality may be questioned. That is a risk one takes when exploring unknown territories like Mars, or even Antarctic but this is bizarre and wild for an academic in the US to touch with a ten foot pole!!
The reader is urged to view the video on goole you tube titled "Fire Yogi of Tanjor."
Home > Uniqueness of Sanatan > Spiritual Research > Research regarding religious acts > H.H. Rambhau Swami’s body temperature remains at normal even in Yadnyakund !
H.H. Rambhau Swami’s body temperature remains at normal even in Yadnyakund !
March 5, 2016
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Look at His Holiness Rambhau Swami’s photo below and pay attention to what you perceive. Then proceed with reading of the article. (The color photo cannot be reproduced on this LinkedIn page because of the author's limited knowledge of this technology)
Information on medical tests conducted on H.H. Rambhau Swami, whose diet is minimal and He has not had water for the past 40 years. Here are a few unanswered questions.
H.H. Rambhau ?Swami (78-years-old) from Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu has not had water since 1975. Since 1977, only two bananas and a glass of milk once a day are His diet. Yet He is completely alert and highly efficient. In 2000, when He was 63-years-old, Ranbaxy Labs and Cholan Labs conducted medical tests on Him.
At that time, looking at the results of the tests, researchers raised the following questions.
A. Despite a minimal diet, how is the proportion of cholesterol in H.H. Rambhau Swami high ? Does His body create cholesterol ?
B. After He spent 1 hour and 20 minutes in the Yadnya, His body temperature was more only by 2 degrees than the temperature before He commenced Yadnya. What would be His body temperature while He is in contact with the fire of the Yadnya ?
C. How has He survived without water and with only a minimal diet for such a long period ?
Answer to the spiritual puzzle on?H.H. Rambhau Swami’s photograph
When a devotee looks at the image or icon of a Deity in a temple, he would generally have spiritual experiences that the Icon is looking at him, irrespective of the direction from which he looks at the Icon. Some seekers have had similar spiritual experiences when they looked at the photograph of H.H. Rambhau Swami. These are given below. Seekers perceived that the photograph had come ‘alive’ due to the intense penance performed by H.H. Rambhau Swami. (The author of this series of articles does not endorse or refute this line of reasoning but only views it with curiosity like his readers)
Spiritual experiences upon looking at the?photograph?of H.H. Rambhau Swami?
?1. A white aura was seen around His head; the aura appeared to be moving inside-outside.
2. A glowing silhouette appeared around His whole body.
3. While looking at His chest, it seemed that He is breathing and we could perceive His chest heaving.
4. When we looked at Him continuously for some time, we became thoughtless.
5. His photograph appeared ‘alive’; His eyes and eyelids appeared to be moving.
– Mrs. Mira Mane, Mrs. Arti Puranik and Mrs. Avani Alshi?(Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi, Goa)
6. While looking at His eyes, I felt closeness with Him and felt as if He may speak with me any moment.
7. I felt like looking at His photograph longer.
8. I felt as if He would come out of the photograph.
9. From His photograph, it was perceived as if radiance is emitting towards my face including the Adnya-chakra, and I felt more blissful.
– Mr. Giridhar Vaze?(Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi, Goa)
(These are the personal spiritual experiences of seekers. Others may or may not get similar experiences.)
Subtle-analysis of His Holiness Rambhau Swami
Below picture based on subtle-knowledge has been drawn by Saint, H.H. (Mrs.) Yoya Vallee. She is one of the few seekers who receives such knowledge because of her awakened sixth sense.
(The graphic representation which is available on line to the readers cannot be reproduced on this LinkedIn Page) (Author neither endorses nor dismisses the authenticity of this "spiritual science" about the workings of the sookshma shareera that makes this feat possible. This science or bio-technology is beyond the grasp of this author and he discloses openly that he does not comprehend it. He is not pretending to be an expert in this area of yogic feats. Remember, Swami Kuvalayananda and Dr. S. L. Vinekar never treaded this territory.)
?Uchchhishta Ganapati Yadnya
Ganapati is in the form of ‘Om’. The Deity of this ‘Uchchhishta Ganapati Yadnya’ is ‘Ganapati in the form of Parabrahma’.
Meaning of the word ‘Uchchhishta’
1. When the Guru accepts an entire meal, the residue as His Prasad (Holy sacrament) is called ‘Uchchhishta’. This is the best available. For a disciple, ‘Uchchhishta’ is very important.
2. While describing God, Vedas say, ‘Neti, Neti’ (It is not this, It is not that). In a similar manner, when the utterance of ‘Neti, Neti’ is over, whatever best remains is Parabrahman. ‘Uchchhishta’ means what remains after occupying everything, meaning, Parabrahman. Here, ‘Uchchhishta Ganapati’ means ‘Mahaganapati’ or ‘Ganapati in the form of Parabrahman’. (This is the symbolic meaning of Uchchhishta. Ishavasyopanishad states it differently but meaning the same when it says 'Tena tyaktena Bhunjeetha')
– H.H. Rambhau Swami (Providing His guidance at Sanatan Ashram)
Let us understand how the body temperature of the great Yogi His Holiness Rambhau Swami (also known as Fire Yogi) is maintained at normal even when He enters the Yadnyakund (sacrificial fire) while performing the Uchchhishta Ganapati Yadnya.
Special Research by Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay
1. Observations of ‘Uchchhishta Ganapati Yadnya’ made by Mini RayTemp digital thermometer on 17.1.2016
(Temperature of an individual or a thing can be measured by Mini RayTemp digital thermometer even from a distance of 4 feet.)
Note : The temperature is measured by the equipment from a distance of 4 feet from the Yadnyakund and the shawl. This equipment is not meant to measure the temperature in direct contact with the body. Therefore, the temperature of the shawl is measured.
2. Narration
When the temperature inside the Yadnyakund was 146.5 °C, the temperature of the shawl worn by H.H. Swamiji when He offered Himself in the Yadnya as an oblation was 39.5 °C. Due to the spiritual powers of H.H. Swamiji, the temperature of His shawl has not increased despite the extremely high temperature in the Yadnyakund.
This is a rare example of inability of Yadnya fire to scorch the body of a Saint due to His sadhana (Spiritual practice). This can happen only due to sadhana. In Shrimadbhagwat, there is an example of devotee Pralhad remaining unscathed in the burning fire due to God’s grace. While witnessing H.H. Rambhau Swami remaining unscathed in a burning Yadnyakund, it is proven that the examples narrated in the Hindu scriptures are most probably not myths granting that these are extremely rare feats.
Spiritual reason why the fire is not able to touch H.H. Swamiji
H.H. Rambhau Swami possesses more of Tejtattva (Absolute Fire Principle) than the fire itself. Therefore, the fire cannot touch Him even slightly and His clothes, atleast not on a large scale.
– Paratpar Guru (Dr.) Jayant Athavale?
Appeal to scientists, individuals who are knowledgeable about Yadnyas and students taking education in this subject to carry out research from a scientific perspective
During the Uchchhishta Ganapati Yadnya, H.H. Rambhau Swami offers oblations in the fire. At that time, the Tejtattva (Absolute Fire Principle) manifests in the fire, and He actually sees the form of Agni as Deity. H.H. Rambhau Swami offers Himself as oblation while the fire is burning in the Yadnyakund.
1. H.H. Rambhau Swami does not feel the heat of the fire. Neither does He get scorched nor does He suffer any injury. What is the scientific reason for this phenomenon ?
2. Similarly, the clothes or shawl worn by Him do not catch fire even when He enters the fire. However, the same shawl catches fire as soon as it is held in another source of fire. What is the scientific reason for this phenomenon ?
3. H.H. Rambhau Swami has not had water since 1975. Since 1977, His diet includes only two bananas and a glass of milk once a day. When He performs a Yadnya, He does not consume anything except a glass of milk in the night. What is the scientific reason for His good health even at the ripe age of 78 years ?
4. What and how far is the effect of the smoke of the Yadnya performed by H.H. Rambhau Swami ?
We will be grateful if we get assistance in this regard from researchers in the related scientific fields.
– Administrator, Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi, Ponda, Goa.
(Contact : Mr. Rupesh Redkar; E-mail : ?[email protected])
Professor Emeritus at OU College of Medicine
10 个月It is interesting that no reputable scientist from the West has tried to verify this phenomenon of 1 in 1.4 billion Indians as feasible or not. When a child was discovered as raised in social and semi-sensory isolation for 13 years like the feral children number of scientists ran to UCLA to verify this wild event in 1960's. The scientific investigations that followed added to the knowledge base. This entire video is intriguing and challenging and basically very threatening to be viewed as realistic and it is natural to viewed with skepticism. The reaction is "this is impossible", don't even go there!!
Professor Emeritus at OU College of Medicine
10 个月However, the second claim of surviving entry into fire with no protective devices to prevent the damage from smoke inhalation or the extremely high temperature known to burn the tissues to ashes in normal human experience is a wild claim. This author acknowledges the reluctance of readers to comment on this phenomenon and risk sticking their necks out as gullible people in 2024 April when science cannot explain this phenomenon just like it cannot explain survival on the Mars or in space beyond the solar system with bursts of cosmic radiation expected to hit the spaceships.?So such claims can be seen as science fiction. In this case the actual video is a challenge to the scientists to prove that the video is in itself a fraud or not a reality and You Tube is engaging in deception of their viewers or come forward to investigate the phenomenon. However, coming forward openly is likely to tarnish the reputation of the scientists and hence this author too had to make his disclaimers repeatedly explicit. In the next section he identifies this very problem as impacting resistance to exploring Yoga science even in its rudimentary mundane domain because the investigators will be seen with a bias of entering the territory of pseudoscience.
Professor Emeritus at OU College of Medicine
10 个月Living on Mars is a claim that modern science cannot confirm as possible with its current knowledge of the environment on Mars. Likewise living in the Antactic was not possible until the modern science advanced and made it possible for the explorers and even made it possible to set up a perennial laboratory in the Antarctic. The phenomenon depicted in this post is to be shunned as impossible with current knowledge base in Physics, Human Anatomy and Physiology and in no uncertain terms a wild and bizarre claim. Both claims that the wholesome meal of Bananas + Milk (of sufficient quantity can meet the minimum daily requirements of K caloric intake for sustenance of life) albeit provided as one meal a day with 23 hours of fast between meals. It should arouse the curiosity of nutritional scientists as the laboratory findings determined that there were normal levels of cholesterol and other elements tested for in the subject's blood.