Behind the Scenes of the Fairs: the invisible Pillar of our participation's success
Behind the dazzling backdrop of textile fairs, there is tireless, often unrecognized work that plays a key role in every step, from preparation to post-fair. At Troficolor Denim Makers, we deeply recognize the importance of people's work behind the scenes and the impact it has on our success.
From January 9th to February 22nd we attended 7 fairs and ?two common characteristics stood out in our team: enthusiasm and commitment!
Preparing for a textile fair is a painstaking process that requires coordination, organization, and teamwork. From the design of the stand, the choice of the collection to be exhibited, transport and assembly logistics, trips and stays, every detail is carefully planned and executed. Many of these tasks are performed by our team members behind the scenes who ensure that everything is ready on time and in the best possible way. They are the unknown faces and hands to our clients, but without them, the success of the fair would not have the same expression.
During the event, it's the continuous, coordinated behind-the-scenes effort that allows everything to run smoothly. From logistical support to sample validation, for example, each person plays a vital role in ensuring a positive experience for visitors and business partners.
And even after the fair closes, the work does not end. Dismantling, return transport, post-event analysis, preparation of sample posters to be sent to clients in a timely manner, are just some of the essential aspects for evaluating performance and planning future participations. Again, it is the dedicated team members behind the scenes who ensure that everything is done efficiently and accurately.
At Troficolor Denim Makers, we deeply value each member of our team, whether on the front line or behind the scenes, as we understand that it is teamwork that drives us forward on a daily basis. We thus understand that it is critical to publicly recognize and value the work of the people behind the scenes who produce this 'invisible' work. Their commitment, dedication and hard work are essential to the success of any of our national and/or international events.
Os Bastidores das Feiras: O Pilar invisível do sucesso da nossa participa??o
Por detrás do cenário deslumbrante das feiras têxteis, há um trabalho incansável, muitas vezes n?o reconhecido, que desempenha um papel fundamental em cada etapa, desde a prepara??o até o pós-feira. Na Troficolor Denim Makers, reconhecemos profundamente a importancia do trabalho das pessoas nos bastidores e o impacto que ele tem no nosso sucesso.
De 9/janeiro a 22/fevereiro foram 7 as feiras onde estivemos presentes e sempre com duas características comuns da nossa equipa: entusiasmo e comprometimento!
A prepara??o para uma feira têxtil é um processo meticuloso que requer coordena??o, organiza??o e trabalho em equipa. Desde a conce??o do stand, escolha da cole??o a exibir, logística de transporte e montagem, viagens e estadias, cada detalhe é cuidadosamente planeado e executado. Muitas destas tarefas s?o executadas por membros da nossa equipa nos bastidores que garantem que tudo esteja pronto a tempo e da melhor maneira possível. S?o os rostos e as m?os desconhecidas dos nossos clientes, mas que, sem eles, o sucesso da feira n?o teria a mesma express?o.
Durante o evento, é o esfor?o contínuo e coordenado dos bastidores que permite que tudo corra sem problemas. Desde o suporte logístico até à valida??o de amostras, por exemplo, cada pessoa desempenha um papel vital para garantir uma experiência positiva para quem nos visita e parceiros de negócios.
E mesmo após o encerramento da feira, o trabalho n?o termina. A desmontagem, o transporte de regresso, a análise pós-evento, a prepara??o dos cartazes das amostras para seguirem para os clientes atempadamente, s?o
apenas alguns dos aspetos essenciais para avaliar o desempenho e planear futuras participa??es. Mais uma vez, s?o os membros dedicados da equipa nos bastidores que garantem que tudo seja feito com eficiência e precis?o.
Na Troficolor Denim Makers, valorizamos profundamente cada membro da nossa equipa, seja na linha de frente ou nos bastidores, pois entendemos que é o trabalho em equipa que nos impulsiona para a frente diariamente. Entendemos, no entanto, que é fundamental reconhecer e valorizar publicamente o trabalho das pessoas nos bastidores que produzem este trabalho ‘invisível’. O seu compromisso, dedica??o e trabalho árduo s?o essenciais para o sucesso de qualquer dos nossos eventos nacionais e/ou internacionais.
#TroficolorDenimMakers #Equipa #FeirasTêxteis #Reconhecimento #TrabalhoemEquipa
Corporate Energizer | People & Culture Design | Leadership Narrative
11 个月It has been incredible to follow this journey of evolution of one of the best Portuguese tribes in the powerful Denim universe in each LinkedIn post. This pioneering brand that claims “understanding denim since 1956” operates in a highly competitive and demanding market, attracting attention at each event, reinforcing the necessary transformation of the industry for our sustainable future. But the product and technology are just one part of this fashion business. People rule the game. Having an annual presence in 7 such demanding events is proof of a high-performance Culture, and a passion (or addiction, I believe) for what they do. They have a mission that goes beyond fashion and that is something that deserves more than just likes, but an indigo dye of pride, looms full of reverence, threads of recommendation. In fact, the textile industry as a whole is gaining territory that I recommend monitoring carefully. For all this, I believe that TROFICOLOR Denim Makers truly “understands” Denim, inspiring and leading the wave of national brands on the path of current textile evolution. Incredible trip. Congratulations to Carlos Serra &Crew. Here is my respect, and no loose ends (strong selvedge finish).
CEO FashionDetails
11 个月E vocês sabem fazê-lo t?o bem!