Behind the scenes
If you’re thinking about taking the plunge and booking a colour consultation then this blog post is for you.It’s all very well for us to talk about ‘getting your colours done’ - but what do we actually mean by this and what happens during your colour session??
So what actually happens during my 90-minute consultation?
Your session will start with a chat (and most probably a hot drink and biscuit) with me. I will will take you through what colour analysis is, how is works and describe our six dominant colour categories to you before explaining?which category?you fall into and therefore which colours will suit you best. After this I will use gorgeous fabric panels to determine what your sub categories are before presenting you with your palette of 42 gorgeous colours. During the session, you will be shown how to wear colour (I never 'tell' you what you have to wear!)
How will I remember which colours suit me?
As part of the consultation you will be shown all of your colours and different combinations using drapes to demonstrate the impact they have on your overall look. To help you remember everything you will receive a swatch wallet containing all of your colours and I will make some notes to pop in the front of your wallet which will detail key things to remember as well as your favourite shades and colour combinations.
Every image consultants have been through extensive colour training which qualifies us to effectively analyse your colour characteristics and advise you on which colour category you fall into and how to wear your colours.
You are most welcome to contact me; [email protected]
Elisabeth B?vik Image consultant in Gothenburg