Update 009: Behind The Scenes Of The BDXAlliance
Michael Michaelides
Business Development | Cybarco | Real Estate | 26,000+ Connections
Since its inception, the BDXAlliance has been growing at a very healthy rate. We have spent this week mostly interviewing and hiring new staff, so in this latest Update, BDXAlliance CEO Jamy Nigri focuses on explaining who we are as a team and what we stand for as a company...
Behind The Scenes | Getting Sh*t Done
In the BDXAlliance, Execution is KING. I have been blessed to have worked under some of the finest leaders one could ever hope for, such as Federal Security Director of the Department of Homeland Security in Chicago. He has deeply influenced how I think about Leadership as a CEO, and I rely on many of the skills he taught me to this day! At the BDXAlliance we have implemented two core philosophies to drive execution:
- Directly Responsible Individual [DRI] > Singular Accountability
- We identify WHO is the DRI for any particular task. Only one person can be the DRI
- Every project has a DRI with Subject Matter Experts in support on execution. In the BDXAlliance family, I serve as the executive sponsor to ensure budget is available, and roadblocks are moved out of the way.
- Commander's Intent | Originating from the ‘Combat Maneuver Training Center,’ which is the unit in charge of military simulations, Commander’s Intent can be defined by asking the following two questions:
1. If we do nothing else during tomorrow’s mission, we must ________________.
2. The single, most important thing we must do tomorrow is ________________.
Behind the Scenes | The BDXAlliance Culture
Our team culture boils down into two big parts. The first is that we keep moving forward. We can fix mistakes. When we make a mistake- and we will - we will fix it. Getting quality work done and executing is more important than agonizing for weeks. The second part is making sure we take 100% advantage of everyone’s experience and expertise. So when we have a new problem or task, we all look at it as a team. Then anyone and everyone with the ‘right experience’ and ‘knowledge’ can jump on the problem. We like to call this the ‘right-brain-right-problem’ approach!
This ensures that all our team members bring everything they got to the table. They use 100% of their life experiences to work! I highly suggest this to anyone who manages Teams.
This week’s example of ‘right-brain-right-problem’ involved our website redesign. We have decided that our website needs to be revamped to better reflect the BDXAlliance strategy. Our ‘Talent Person’ happens to have an elegant and functional travel and food blog. So our ‘Talent Person’ ended up helping define wireframes and technical features. This wouldn’t be possible if we our people gave their insights only on projects concerning their title and assigned tasks. We would have never gotten this valuable input. We give our team members the freedom to provide their input on any task they feel they can contribute to. This keeps then more motivated and allows for greater creativity and faster execution!
[...] Read Jamy’s full newsletter on Medium: HERE