Behind the Google antitrust trial

Behind the Google antitrust trial

What the Tech is the Google antitrust trial all about?

?By John McDermott

  • Google is facing a new antitrust trial, accused of monopolizing the digital advertising market in a case with enormous implications for the industry.
  • According to the DOJ, Google’s control over both the buy and sell sides of the market affords it control over the entire industry and allows it to squeeze competitors.

?? Lightbulb moment

When a company controls too much of the advertising market, it can hinder publishers’ ability to earn revenue. If publishers can’t earn enough revenue to operate, then our information ecosystem suffers, and so does our democracy.

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Illustration by Sarah Kim / Shutterstock /?The Current

Why some U.S. sports teams are launching their own streaming platforms

By Travis Clark

  • Teams across major sports leagues in the U.S., like the NHL’s Dallas Stars and the NBA’s Utah Jazz, have launched their own streaming platforms to air local games for fans.
  • The emerging trend comes simultaneously amid a quickly changing sports rights landscape that is increasingly involving streaming and challenges for regional sports networks (RSNs).

?? Lightbulb moment

“At the same time that the RSNs are running into trouble, the interest in the content is higher than ever before and people want to watch it in different ways.”

– Wim Sweldens, co-founder and CMO, Kiswe

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73% of U.S. swing voters are reachable with streaming TV ads

By Zharmer Hardimon

  • Of the battleground states, Pennsylvania boasts the largest share of swing voters who are reachable on streaming (70%), according to new data from Cross Screen Media.

?? Lightbulb moment

In a presidential race where the outcome is likely to be decided by razor-thin margins, media strategists say campaigns are taking unprecedented steps to engage more voters.

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CVS Media Exchange’s Parbinder Dhariwal on the next phase of the retail media revolution

  • Parbinder Dhariwal, VP and GM of CVS Media Exchange, discusses CVS’ self-service advertising offering and the future of DEI initiatives in retail media.
  • He also touches on how understanding the consumer is essential to the continued growth of retail media.

?? Lightbulb moment

“If we can’t service the consumer and understand the in-store environment ... that’s when we start to lose our gravitas.”

– Parbinder Dhariwal, VP and GM, CVS Media Exchange

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