Behind The Edge: A Q&A with Blue Edge's Pat Thomas
This is Pat, one of Blue Edge's Bid Leads. Pat's been working in bidding for more years than she'd like to admit she's been alive but she just really enjoys the environment and helping people showcase themselves excellently.
What is your current state of mind?
"hmm interesting always dislike this kind of question because I never have a flashy answer – I could say very chilled as I’ve had a month gap following my recent assignment (which lasted something like 15/16 months so I deserve it) – I could also say my mind is a bit itchy as I need something interesting to focus on……"
What is your idea of perfect happiness in bids?
"An end client who asks unambiguous questions; a bid team who aren’t trying to do two or three other things as well as the bid they’re supposed to be working on “full time”; a senior team who are up for a challenge and don’t feel inhibited or defensive when I bring it; a bid that meets all the internal milestones we set to get solutions and responses completed; a review team that actually reviews rather than proof reads or just says its’s wrong – and when the bid is over everyone says what fun it’s been – don’t ask for much do I!"
What is your greatest fear during a bid cycle?
"Having to leave a bid before it’s finished – it happened to me when my Mum died a few years ago and it’s the worst feeling ever – or maybe I fear extensions from the customer more……..oh I hate those “could we just” suggestions from “well meaning” senior management in the last stages of the bid……."
Which talent would you most like to have?
"Well there’s a list! Sing properly, dance well, have a super power, some would say having unlimited patience is a talent too – maybe that’s what I need or a better ability to edit my face when I am impatient – oooh never learned to swim or ride a bike either….."
Which historical figure do you most identify with?
"This is the hardest question – I'd like to say someone like Emmeline Parkhurst or Amy Johnson or Boudica (how do you spell the woman’s name) but I just don’t think I’m brave enough – most of the historical figures I go wow about really have a level of bravery or determination that puts “something” so far beyond their personal comfort that it’s awe inspiring – and I like my creature comforts too much. I think if I was pushed for an answer I’d go with someone like Eleanor Roosevelt - or someone who was definitely the “power behind the throne” that made their principal stand out and succeed – any suggestions? – oh and I wish I could write like Aaron Sorkin who created “The West Wing”, but he’s not an historical character – yet!"