Behind The Camera of Bohemian Visions
Marie Malvoisin
Helping women and couples improve their self esteem and confidence through intimate portraiture.
Hello Beautiful People,
As we are over the hump of the rollercoaster ride known as 2020, I'd like to take the time to welcome the newest adds to my LinkedIn community and provide some perspective for making the stay more productive for all viewers of and commenters on my content.
I’m Marie. I am a recently retired US Army Officer. After 20 years of service and one eye-opening deployment to Afghanistan, I decided my skills and talents were better suited to doing something that truly gave me autonomy, purpose, mastery of a craft, and ultimately happiness. In my post-military life, I am more focused on living my truth and focusing on everything and everyone who brings genuine value. So I decided to create my own business. Bohemian Visions.
I’m a luxury Boudoir Photographer and Content Writer. I write under a different Pen Name to separate from the photography. In case you don’t know what Boudoir is because I get asked frequently. Boudoir photography involves the shooting of intimate portraits, ranging from lingerie to full nudes based on the comfort of the client. Boudoir photography is equal opportunity and all inclusive meaning- I shoot men too. Additionally, I do portraits as well if requested and occasional headshots for your LinkedIn account. Details on my company and our competencies are in my LinkedIn bio.
The brand is newly evolving but growing fast and will continue to expand. Behind this gorgeous face is a team of 10 people who nurture the brand and keep it functional. Despite long hours and sleepless nights, it’s the best and most rewarding profession ever.
Personally, I’m an avid reader with tastes ranging from history to erotica, with strategy, scifi and business in between. I’m a self professed nerd and a life-long student. I'm unapologetic and live life on my own terms without regret.
Professionally, I share sensuality but look past the surface to help my clients discover an enhanced sense of self love. As such, the content I share on LinkedIn within the guidelines of the platform is for the purpose of educating my connections about the nuances of my business rather than being a message for a personal relationship or request for inappropriate direct messages. I may discuss sensuality but it's strictly professional so creeping my DMs after midnight is a hard no especially if your profile lists you in the U.S. For me, LinkedIn is not the NC-17 version of Facebook for white collar professionals.
Hopefully, this stokes the initial curiosities for my LinkedIn connections that desire information on our services, a potential business collaboration, or simply want to know more about what led me to this chapter of my life story. In a world filled with negativity my profession is about making positive connections with your inner self. I thoroughly love what I do and I hope you see that in my content or as my client. If you are curious check out my portfolio here
Until next time, Do you, Be you and Love you.