Behind the Buzzword: Edge Computing
Howard Page
IT Services, Technology Advising, and Cyber Security to improve your business - 770-450-0910
As talk of the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes more commonplace in small business, the term ‘edge computing’ has also entered the conversation. To many, however, its meaning and uses remain vague. Gartner defines it as, “Solutions that facilitate data processing at or near the source of data generation, as opposed to consolidating all processing power at the core of the network.” In IoT applications, data sources are usually ‘things’ embedded with sensors or small devices. Positioning these data ‘generators’ and their ‘processors’ in closer proximity reduces the volume of traffic back to the central repository, while improving latency and reducing power consumption.
In short: nearer is better. So will edge computing replace the cloud, as some pundits predict? No. But the two will increasingly co mingle in the next 1-3 years, which gives you plenty of time to start formulating your questions.
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