Behind the Books
Atmosphere Press
Atmosphere Press is the only publisher that puts Rewarding and Meaningful author experiences above all else.
Hello, Friend! This is Nick Courtright, Founder and Executive Editor of Atmosphere Press. For those who don’t know me, I was an author and college literature professor who founded Atmosphere by accident back in 2015. By accident? A poet I was editing needed help publishing his book, so I invented a publishing company to get his book out there. Who knew that that would be the first of what is now more than 1000 books published?
I’ve historically been more behind-the-scenes than someone who wanted a public persona, but I think it’s important for there to be a face to Atmosphere, so you can know a bit more about who we are and why we do things the way we do. So consider these messages from me your own little sneak peek into how a press runs, how we make decisions, and really, why we’re the type of people you might want to work with to bring your book to life.
Over the coming months I’ll pull back the curtain on everything from our selection process to how I stumbled into the best Art Director in the business to why it’s so important that our staff is 60% women. I’ll tell you about mistakes we’ve made over the years, some of our greatest author successes, and why I think AI means sharing our human stories is more important than ever.
When I founded Atmosphere, one of our 5 first principles was Transparency. As the only significant publisher with a fully public Author Contract, this is a key part of our identity. And now I want this little corner of the internet to be an extension of that. So keep an eye out, and in the meantime, all well wishes from me to you!
All best,