Behavioural Self Control

Behavioural Self Control

Do you sometimes find your behaviour gets overtaken in emotionally charged situations where you start behaving in a way that's not good for you, others, and the greater good?

Well, that's because you're human and we all have a challenge with this, until we learn what I'm going to teach you this week. Today I want to continue our conversation around self-management by helping you to learn the strategies of behavioural self-control.

Every emotion is positive because it is designed to give you a cue (a clue) of what's going on for you physiologically and, therefore, enabling you to navigate your emotions.

Unfortunately, some situations trigger behaviour based on what happens between that initial physiological sensation of the emotion to that initial feeling that you choose to feel. It's a combination of what you think and believe and what you make it mean. Therefore, it can go outside the bounds of logic and, in a lot of cases, it can actually be counterintuitive to what you want to achieve.

Let me teach you a five-step strategy that will (when those triggers are pushed) help you determine the behaviour you want and do things differently from what you might have been doing until now.

Step 1. Name the emotion.

You're not able to manage the response to an emotion if you don’t know which one it is. You need to get an understanding of the trigger, name the emotion you are experiencing, and know what’s physically going on for you.

A lot of times, you might be confused as to which actual emotion it is that you are experiencing, and therefore, you can employ the wrong strategy.

To accurately name the emotion you are experiencing, you need to notice it and be aware of what’s going on physiologically for you and recognise that cue. Then by harnessing what it is, you can now shift to the second step.

Step 2. Audit your thoughts


Grant Herbert (aka The People Builder) describes himself as an ordinary guy, with an outstanding wife and 5 amazing kids, who has a passion to help people escape the performance trap and regain their authenticity in every area of life. He is a VUCA Leadership Mentor, Sustainable Performance Coach, Master Coach Trainer in Social and Emotional Intelligence,?and the founder of People Builders.

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