Behaviour Change emerging as the most effective Coronavirus Medicine & PM Modi emerging as the most Powerful Global ‘Change Agent’
This Post from Drs appealing people to 'Stay at Home' to Prevent from Coronavirus Spread went viral across the globe

Behaviour Change emerging as the most effective Coronavirus Medicine & PM Modi emerging as the most Powerful Global ‘Change Agent’

Shankh baje o tal baje, aur baji hai ganpat aarti, Adbhut drishya suna vishwa ne, hum ujjwal Bharati... said Sri Amitabh Bacchhan in his post today showing his support & widely acknowledging the GRAND SUCCESS of PM Modi's appeal for self-imposed 'janta curfew' and to come on your rooftop & balconies and show gratitude & solidarity to our Drs, Nurses & Health Workers in these tough times of Coronavirus scare.

In these hard times, which probably comes in a century, we, the human civilization are poised in a do-or-die situation of 'either we alienate ourselves & stop the spread of this new virus- Covid- 19' or face the challenge of a large portion of our population being affected by this new virus and also the possibility of millions loosing life to it, mainly our most vulnerable elderly population. For the first time in 100 years (since our ancestors lost life to the deadly Spanish Flu, the virus of which over a period of time swept into our daily routine in our civilization as normal cold flu), we see things moving at fast speed, situations changing very fast and a lot of action happening across from the Govt. at the centre and now going into the hands of the state govts., who are imposing the toughest measures now so that this 'virus does not spread further'. Here's a synopsis of the current situation:

§ India has stood by the initial testing and has fared well in terms of spread of Stage 1 & Stage 2 situation and looks poised to be handling Stage 3 in a much better way, though it's still a bit early knowing the demographic situation & the population density and laxity in the population data monitoring & the ever porous borders and also the 'herd mentality' approach, which can be both good as well as dangerous at times.

§ Though everyone / every country is doing their best, but the fact remains that till the Vaccines & Medicines come in post proper Trails (which will take some more time- may be few months to more than a year) nothing much can be done except a few things:

§ Social Distancing: get isolated in your homes, stop stepping out, strict no no to crowded places & completely stop mixing & mingling and of course, enjoy Work From Home (WFM)

§ Govt in India is strictly practicing the 'isolation norms' for all passengers landing here from abroad, mainly from infected countries and that seems to be a good strategy till now, but that is definitely not enough

§ 'The Safe Hygiene practices' which now seems to be the norm for everyone to teach & preach & the commonest one being-- wash your hands properly with soap, sanitize (use alcohol based sanitizers) your hands immediately when you touch an outside object, keep best hygiene & cleanliness at home, cough safely on your elbows, no hand-coughing (cuffing) & put the Masks (in the right position) whenever you are out in public, etc., etc...

But what the Current Scenario is also making us learn or what we see around people are doing is also very interesting. Here is an analysis of what has been seen as a lot of 'Communications happening in new/ creative ways', which is giving genesis to many new age 'Communicators' who have become 'Self-Acclaimed Influencers' in their own ways and believe me, a lot of these new age Communicators' efforts are not going in vain, this is working and here's my take on why this 'creativity lead communication' to push for 'behaviour change' is small ways, which we also call 'the Nudge Approach' is something which is the most effective way of preventing this new virus-- the Coronavirus. Particularly, when we don't have Vaccines & established Medical Protocols for Treatment, the BCC stands to be the most effective way of 'stopping the virus from spreading' as 'stopping the spread seems to be the only way out to come out clean of this situation'!!!

Habits change is one of the toughest changes to be brought in a complex society like India. We are complex society of multiple languages, multiple ethnicity and following many traditions & cultures. In such a diversity, the biggest challenge is to bring in a 'behaviour change' (BC), particularly with regard to habits & practices which have been inhibited since ages or for which we have never bothered, be it 'good sanitation & hygiene practices' or any other behaviour related to our work culture or road safety (safe driving) or to do with following a particular pattern or changing a particular practice for the safety of others.

Here comes into play a few important factors:

? identifying a particular behaviour and mapping it

? identifying the change to be brought in & supporting it with good statistics/ data in terms of how it will benefit that individual/ group

? devising a proper strategy on how that change can be brought & communicating it's benefits effectively in simple language/ using what tools/ what medium & what 'exact messaging' which works, which is straight & simple, easy to understand/ easy to connect and which can 'catch like a fire' (or become Viral in this Digital age)

& then comes the most important factor, i.e, the 'Agent of Change' and that relates to the Person or the platform who 'communicate' this message, whose name or image will get identified with this 'messaging to change a particular behaviour/ or adapt to a particular practice' and the 'impact of change' will also ride in that personality's/ platform's CREDIBILITY & IMAGE (as well as POPULARITY) amongst that target audience. This 'Change Agent' can be a Film Celebrity, a State Leader/ Mass Leader, a Sportsman or an Artist, a popular figure or any Character been created with a strong messaging with no 'personality' associated.

With respect to one of the largest & most impactful Campaign of this magnitude in which you can tick-mark all the above attributes of a successful BCC, the case in point which would be worth discussing should be the SWACHH BHARAT campaign initiative brought in by our Incumbent PM- Sri Narendra Modi in year 2014 when Mr Modi came to power in the first term in year 2014 with a huge majority and started his tenure not by announcing new financial measures or any other Political directive, but with a strong- BEHAVIOUR CHANGE Campaign of 'SWACHH BHARAT- SWACHTA KI OR EK KADAM', 'SWACHH BHARAT- SWASTHYA BHARAT' & this small initiative is now today the largest 'cleanliness drive' in the globe and the 'most successful & sustainable behaviour change campaign' bringing in phenomenal change in 'Hygiene & Sanitation' practices across length & breadth of the nation, from towns to metros to villages.

Says Wikipedia:

"Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (SBA) or Clean India Mission was a nation-wide campaign from 2014 to 2019 to clean up the streets, roads and infrastructure of cities, towns, and rural areas. Its objectives included eliminating open defecation through the construction of household-owned and community-owned toilets and establishing an accountable mechanism of monitoring toilet use. Run by the BJP Government of India, the mission aimed to achieve an "open-defecation free" (ODF) India by 2 October 2019, the 150th anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi,[1] by constructing 100 million toilets in rural India at a projected cost of ?1.96 lakh crore (US$28 billion). The mission contributed to India reaching Sustainable Development Goal 6, established by the United Nations in 2015...."

Similarly, another major feat in BCC was achieved today- Sunday, 22nd March 2020 at 5.00 pm in India when more than 1 Billion Indians came together on their Balconies & Roof Tops and over their Home Boundaries to STAND UP IN SOLIDARITY & CLAP FOR (WITH GHANTI & SHANKHNAD AND THALI-CHAMMACH) TO SHOWCASE A MASSIVE SUPPORT TO OUR 'DRS, NURSES & HEALTHCARE WORKERS' who are working for us day & night to save us from the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic which is sitting on our head like a time-bomb to explode and spread up fast in the most vulnerable country like ours.

This would be like a World Record when a 1 Billion population at one time, cutting across all cross-section (from a common man to top Celebrities/ Businessmen), religion, caste and unawarranted of any Political affiliations...everyone came together to show UNITY for a PURPOSE, UNITY to showcase SOLIDARITY and most importantly- UNITY to showcase a COMBINED WILLPOWER & STRENGTH to 'FIGHT' any disease, any calamity with full force.

This all started with a classical, very well structured SPEECH made by Indian PM- Sri Narendra Modi who is already established in Indian Households and across all cross-sections as a 'Leader with a Grit', one who thinks for the country and who is a DOER, one who Propagates 'Best Practices for the Well-being of the Country', also Practices a high level of discipline in whatever he does, is 100% committed for his people & the causes which will benefit the country in long as well as short term, even if comes to putting his Govt. or his own Position at RISK.

Though there are many motivational & structured TALKS & SPEECHES given by Mr Modi in the past, or so given by Motivational Speakers across countries & formats, but this particular 'Address to the Nation' when the country is getting ready to fight one of the most deadly pandemics- COVID- 19 (which has a possibility of spreading as an epidemic), was quite different & unique in its own way & the grand success of how it was followed blindly by a huge population across all cross-sections breaking all records- is a testimony of its 'Power to Influence & Bring in the desired Behaviour Change'. Few of its uniqueness can be penned down under following points:

Timing: The 'Address to the Nation' was very much required by a National Leader/ the Head of the State, particularly when the world was slowly succumbing to this Pandemic pressure & Coronavirus became a challenge for even the most developed/ equipped & economically sound countries- be it China, UK, Germany, Italy, France or USA and India getting into the grip of it with the no. of cases crossing the 100 mark!

There was a surge of 'underlying fear' amongst the masses and also a factor of 'uncertainty' gripping in amongst a large population, the timing was perfect.

Simplicity of MESSAGING: The facts which were covered were put in a very simple way...all the developments till date were comprehended point wise & communicated with full confidence & with complete clarity by the PM.

No Fear Mongering: The best part of this whole speech was the PM was able to control the messaging by keeping a balance of 'emphasizing on the seriousness of the situation' but at the same time' not creating a fear psychosis', which meant that the 'janta' didn't shiver & panic but at the same time the people clearly understood that the situation is grave as the PM referred to 'World War 1 & World War 2' like situation which gave a clear message that we as India need to be 'war ready'.

No Tom-Tomming of the work done by the Govt./ No Self Praise: this was one of the most important part and helped in 'building a high level of credibility' for this Speech as it cut across all Political lines and gave a message of 'need of the time to come together in the times of crisis- GET UNITED AS A NATION & FIGHT IT OUT TOGETHER'.

That's why we saw he most sordid opponents Tweeting & asking everyone to adhere to PM's appeal of Social-Distancing, which was a very rare episode in such a charged Political atmosphere of Indian politics.

Two Simple Small Steps Towards a Large Beginning: The PM avoided talking about 'n number of things which should be done, rather he converted his APPEAL into 2 simple steps (with Call to Action):

1. 'Janta Curfew': which means he empowered the Citizens of adopting to a 'self-imposed restriction' of not going out of their homes & in a small way- make a start towards Social Distancing... one small step made 'voluntarily' and then other major steps of 'city lock-down', etc. have already started following in and this onus he has given it to the state machinery! Now, the population at large seem to be aligned with the idea of 'Social Distancing', which shows a major 'Behaviour Change' overall in such a short time.

2. Showcase GRATITUDE & SOLIDARITY towards our Drs, Nurses & Health Workers: a small gesture which converted into a large movement and we saw about more than a Billion population coming out on their Roof Tops & Balconies and drumming, trumpeting and making all efforts to bring aloud the 'SOUND OF VICTORY' from 5.00 pm for 5 minutes (such a simple one liner & easy to do- Call to Action), which also became an opportunity for Indians to showcase UNITY in this time of grave uncertainty looming large at our heads as an 'epidemic' which can kill in millions & crores if not stopped in time & with combined efforts of the Governments and the People??

This PM's APPEAL had all the FEATURES of a Successful Behaviour Change (BC) Campaign/ Initiative as it was:

·     Straight & Simple

·     Easy to Do, Easy to Act

·     Didn't Obstruct with People's normal routine (as it was planned for a Sunday & that also at a good evening slot)

·     had a STRONG EMOTIONAL FACTOR of 'Gratitude & Solidarity' towards a noble profession

·     gave an opportunity to the COUNTRYMEN to FEEL EMPOWERED by COMING TOGETHER, it gave a SENSE OF UNITY & EMPOWERMENT resulting into a FEELING OF COLLECTIVE JOY for the INDIANS

This BC Initiative by our PM was able to create a HISTORIC MOMENT of those 5 MINUTES whose voice echoed across the world, the Indian CHANT buzzed across the nation & across the world & it CREATED the POWER to 'put a strong resistance to the threat of Coronavirus Spread', as :

ü it has been able to effectively communicate the need and the use of 'Social Distancing'. i.e. confining to homes and stop this virus to spread by 'breaking the chain'

ü it has been able to ignite feeling of UNITY and a better understanding of the gravity of the situation amongst a large population, initiating a practice to 'unite strongly when needed for the country'

& most importantly, this has put a stamp on the unabated/ not to be challenged INFLUENCING POWER of this new India Leader- our PM- Sri Narendra Modi who now stands tallest among all Political & Mass Leaders across the Globe, whose appeal in the interest of the nation (the largest Democracy today) & its citizens can have such a strong, powerful IMPACT whose vibrations are felt even in the Heavens.

This act of this Sunday & the 5 PM 5 MINUTES episode has established MODI world over as a 'Global Champion for Behaviour Change' and for us in India, he becomes THE MOST POWERFUL "AGENT OF CHANGE" & THE VOICE OF UNITY, after a long time post Mahatma Gandhi era.

It would also be imperative to list down few things which have passed my eyes (small contributions made by Individuals in bringing in positive Behaviour Change in their small own ways) in last 10-15 days which I feel are worth quoting under this 'Healthy Nudge' category:

1. The 'Social Distancing' campaign saw support in a unique way in form of loads messages coming in from the Drs & Health Workers & Hospital Administrators with the Caption- WE STAY HERE FOR YOU (in the Hospital background), PLEASE STAY AT HOME FOR US...

2. Then there was a series of Self Posts made by Drs & Healthcare Workers & Administrators saying- I'M A HEALTH WORKER, I CANNOT WORK FROM HOME...

3. Similarly, a campaign got rolled out to appreciate the efforts of Health Writers & Health Communicators saying- 'I SPREAD THE RIGHT INFORMATION FROM HOME, I'M A HEALTH WRITER/ I'M A HEALTH COMMUNICATOR


5. There are enough videos floating around on kids coming up with their 'preventive messages' on Social Distancing & 'Hand Washing' which is having a great impact wrt creating the right kind of awareness & awakening in the society

6. The TikToks are full of short videos on 'the right posture of coughing' and that's been watched widely as it encapsulates one of the most important messages related to 'standard hygiene practices' and the 'coughing on palms & spreading infection' is probably one of the commonest wrong practice in India widely followed and this Behavior change is much required than anything else in our country.

All these small initiatives in the form of 'Unique Messaging with high level of Creativity' which are also categorized under 'Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) have a large & long lasting impact.

Like in case in point no. 1 & 2, wherein the Drs & Health Workers started posting their Photos with this caption which would be floating in millions now, across all platforms, be it on SM Platforms- Facebook, Insta, LinkedIn, Twitter and across WhatsApp groups & as WhatsApp forwards & then reported widely in Newspapers & TV News across the world. This has created a wave of 'such acknowledgements & reiterating the message of Social Distancing' coming from the most effective Influencer & the one who is 'sacrificing for you/ your health' and that is your Dr, the Nurses & the Hospital staff who have no other option but to be on DUTY all around.

Similarly, a very strong impact is created by 'kids videos' appealing to the masses including all their elders- reiterating the message of -Health in Your Hands, Stay Safe at Home' Keep everyone Safe and these coming from the noble souls has an everlasting appeal and creates a deeper effect in terms of 'behaviour change' amongst the masses.

The Coronavirus will definitely spread (as it's been seen in other countries too), but the way India has conducted today, it would definitely get frightened, resulting in it's intensity to attack/ to harm & to spread...mellowing down to a great extent. Till then, let's keep a safe distance & BREAK THE CHAIN to be 'Crona Safe' here on wards, as the battle has just begun!

Let's keep this spirit up & leave all bravado behind and effectively impose 'self-quarantine' to be safe and to really come out as WINNER out of this grave situation. We have crossed the first hurdle, shown enough unity, solidarity & let's show some more resilience & sensibility to cross the next hurdle, safely.



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