Behaviour of autonomous vehicles ;)
As you all know we at Ekobot are in the process of building a top notch autonomous robot that with AI and revolutional tool control keeps weeds away from vegetables grown in rows allowing herbicides usage to be eliminated och completely cut. As corona has limited my commuting by train and bus to avoid catching the virus, I decided to rent a car. Due to rental periods and different issues with the cars I have had the opportunity to try out some of the latest implementations of driver support systems and they for sure vary a lot in behavior :) German, Swedish, American, Korean and British software all aim to keep us on the road (if it is inhouse developed? At Ekobot we do it all on our own). Some implementations get extremely nervous when detecting a "9", could it be a "6" ? This can end up in abrupt decrease of speed on the motorway. Most systems do get into problems if you get a little too close to a departure lane and hit the brakes. Many of the cars follow the lanes fine, small variations in how smooth but all perform satisfying. But what really shows maturity and system capability lies in how the pilot assist system performs in slow speeds like 30 km/h in busy areas. A lot of panic brake initiated by the SW can be avoided but then you have to help the system out and taking over control when you see some car or bus indicating that they will halt or change direction. But I would like this to be automated to not requiring me to watch guard system behavior. At Ekobot we are moving in slow pace on the fields to remove unwanted plants and weeds. But we must stay really alert and avoid anything that can happen as we are moving tools in high speed. Thus, we are developing a state-of-the-art monitoring system that will avoid obstacles in the field and also when moving in higher speed from the garage to the fields. A lot of wisdom can be collected from cars pilot assist systems and we will simply focus on making it all work together with no or little operator intervention required. To get all pieces together we will need to work together with scientists studying robot - human collaboration so for example make accurate predictions avaialable for the onboard safety pilot system of what robots, humans and animals can be expected to do when approaching the robot. This is the key to build the system the farmers and the lawmakers want in place before letting us rule the vegetable fields and an important step in this if of course make sure a 6 is 6 and not a 9, understanding of what could be the purpose of a vehicle slowing down combined with at the same time there is a parking slot free in front of it. A lot of interesting challenges and great fun to solve at EKOBOT industries ??