#Behavioral Stretch Management: 21 Issues on the breach of protocols as we prevent sudden deaths and disasters
Behavioral Stretch Management: 21 Issues on the breach of protocols and preventing sudden death. Concept by James Komolafe, Behavioral Health Expert and Team Lead, The School of Articulation and Behavioral Alignment Clinics (The SABA Clinics)
What happens when an individual breaches the behavioral stretch? No matter the strength, when you pull an elastic rubber or substance beyond a certain limit; it cut suddenly and that would limit its usefulness. Many have transited to the world beyond due to complications arising from either the mix up or poor management from stretches.
They throw caution to the wind and are trapped in various activities and practices that violate their personal constitution while making the necessary contributions. A stretch beyond an individual behavioral gap is critical and could result in various dimensions of subsidence and death in the long trend. Many out there are shortening their lifestyle unknowingly through the breach of behavioral stretch protocols.
21 Messages on the Breach of Protocols in Behavioral Stretches
1. You are wired within a certain frame of composition inside- out. You possess a unique articulation intuitively, intelligently and interactively.
2. You can expand or shrink your emotional realities and vibrations within certain limits depending on your conscious decision for the growth of the behavioral gap. The gap grows through the manipulation of your personal energy generation versus consumption
3. There is the gradual opportunity and possibility for expansion of energy levels and limits. It is a process and not a crisis in most cases.
4. From observation and research, you burn energy daily in 21 major ways(refer to last post on 21 ways you burn energy)
5. Energy level per time must reconcile with vibration in your daily manifesting. It is better to spend below your deposit and critical having the opposite in the runs.
6. Energy overdraft on a frequent note (borrowed and consumed energy without generation) is a behavioral technical knockout organized by self as a gateway by which one evicts this world on a sudden note.
7. The body parts of an automobile for example could look very new; but with a knocked engine, it would never go far..so is the issue of the stretches outside proportion
8. Knowing one’s current energy level and what to do now to scale up is important to the virile life. (we would kick start issues on personal energy later)
9. Frequent overstretching takes you out of your behavioral gaps; balloons it until explosion result. In the ordinary sense, enlarging a balloon beyond the limits of air it can take explodes it!
10. There is little or no extra room to contain the excesses in stretching; the universe already revels in abundance for your daily vibration and would not continue to bear with energy overdraft regime….so generate your required energy through the appropriate coordination.
11. Although, energy cannot be lost or created but converted from one form to another, energy generation is a deliberate experience that secures your total commitment and relative action.
12. Except in a situation of reserved energy that is waiting for the appropriate expenditure, generation must always precedes transmission otherwise, you a “no-show” policy ensues
13. The message of the breach of protocols simply means one cannot do anything anyhow and at any time and expect to go away with it all the time as far as the behavioral health is concerned. No mortal being is omnipotent; only God is!
14. Every single day is a behavioral statistic. There is mathematics on going whether covertly or overtly. One’s vibration divided by the energy level defines the behavioral health protocols. And so a wise King prayed “so teach us to NUMBER our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom”
15. Frowning at the issues of your daily stretches is by no means wisdom. You are here on this earth by providence privileges and permission. Never ignore your orderings
16. A few warning signals or symptoms would always show up before sudden collapse on many occasions.
17. As one advances in age, the more the need to be conscious of the stretch protocols. Certain behavioral realities around personalities tend to depreciate with age
18. Energy generation must never be subjected to a series of delay. You can utilize energy(this is normal) but it is abnormal to generate lesser and lesser energy over time
19. The need to know your personal energy boosting sources and the windows for veritable acquisition cannot also be overemphasized. It is never automatic or comparable. Know your limits per time but never limit your knowledge!
20. It is better to build more energy and to burn them in other to build more than to burn more energy while building less. Energy conservation is key to virile health and behavioral balance
21. The stretch protocols can be computed and a regular behavioral ‘check up from the neck up’ as obtained the in the School of Articulation and Behavioral Alignment Clinics (SABA Clinics) is fundamental to the long life regime. SABA Clinics enjoins every stake holder on the cutting edge to vote massively stretch balance and invest in critical behavioral health knowledge and revolution. A monthly or quarterly behavioral check up to confirm balance and order is apt. The price of ignorance is still far higher than the cost of knowledge
The last word
Do you know your behavioral stretch protocol? What can you say about your personal energy and generation? How many times have you been caught in the jolt of energy overdraft?
The universe is loaded for upload through deliberate energy generation. Taking frequent overdraft of the energy from the universe that you do not generate or convert for use is to live in the reverse order! It is awful and fatal. Try and avoid this! Energy that is not processed or converted could pose a danger.
The last line is this; the breach of the stretch protocol is gross indiscipline and personal abuse that could be punishable by instant verdict! Exhaustion, duress, fatigue, fainting, comatose, burn out, bad stress and high blood, pressure are all first cousins in the family of behavioral health deficits. The ultimate is sudden death!!!
The behavioral health is an unforgiving terrain and would reward everyone according to contribution whether negative or positive. Knowledge is still power. Let us avoid the breach of behavioral stretch protocols through preventive strategies and live long.
For further enquiries at group or individual platforms, feel free to request for supports at SABA Clinics help desk on +2348035999220. Send in your comments, questions among others as you avail every opportunity to make contribution. E-mail [email protected] Follow us on twitter@james1kom
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