Behavior, values and character
Octavian Graf Pilati
The Antifragile Family?: Build a muscle to thrive for generations.
What is more important:
A person's behavior?
A person's values?
A person's character?
What shows you more, who you can trust?
Only because someone is nice to you,
it does not mean he intends well.
Just because someone is rude to you,
it does not mean they aren't trustworthy.
Behavior, character, and values do not need to align.
They rarely align.
The main ingredients to gage a person are time, time, and time.
#businessfamily #integrity #dailythoughts
A person behavior is informed by values and beliefs about self and others - forming a structure we call character. To see many facets in different contexts and how behavioural patterns change takes time an openmindness, empathy and compassion against judgement. Once we have a judgement the doors are closed to new information