A man /women, Animal only die when their time come not be panic, Allah (GOD) willfix the death, time and place no one have the power to change but take preventive measure in order to avoid any disability
A positive and constructive approach is often the best way to guide your behavior. This means giving your attention when you behave a little bit worst, rather than just applying consequences when he does something you don’t like.
Telling yourself honestly how your behavior affects you helps yourself feel good when opposite not act according to your level control your anger to control anger is a most difficult thing but who control it he is a very brave person when you get close to your co-workers you can tune in to what he might be feeling or thinking. Being close also helps them focus on what you’re saying about anything their attention gives you happiness and you feel your important person. If you’re close to your family members, friends, office collogue then you don’t need to make them look at you.
In-office listen actively, you can nod as your senior talks, and repeat back what you think is wrong. Before you get involved in anything in-office worker at home never says to say ‘no’ or ‘stop’ – ask yourself if it matters. By keeping instructions, requests and negative feedback to a minimum, you create less opportunity for conflict and bad feelings. The rule is important, but use them only when this must make you are fellow feel important. If your boss gives some praise for his behavior and effort, it’ll help to build your self-esteem there are times when you looking after your office work and doing things you need to do will be tricky. If you think about these challenging situations in advance, you can plan around your boss's need Give him time before he needs him to change. Talk to him about why you need his cooperation. Then he’s prepared for what you expect. remember to live in such a community would have been unbearable. The conscience and ego of a man with so many things in his nature like hunger, lust, greed, etc would have made this world a living hell. Therefore, to live in a community, mankind needs to understand others. Manners are thereby, the rules of conduct or behavior for a man to enable him to live in a society. Good manners teach a man how to behave, respond or act in specific situations. They are the essential parts of human life without which human life, progress, and prosperity would have been impossible. A last stage cancer patient I have a lot of short terms and long term problem you all know cancer kills inside your body and make you bagger costly treatment, but the problem in this society is every one try to hit you he feels in this way he is safe, I want to write a lot with solid prove how people tease you when you work under them knowing that he is facing the worst moment of his life and his life end in any moment, But due to a Noble person I call him Angle in a human face I am not writing don’t want to give him tension or disturbed his business
COVID-19.virus is very old from the last one hundred years people carrying COVID-19. virus but it takes 100 years to come out check the behavior 100-year ago most people try to help you now 90percent wants to hit only for their personal benefit to deal with that virus is very simple A man or women can die when his time comes, time is fixed no one change it, US shoppers are clearing out hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies amid fears of the outbreak. People also are also stocking up on food and supplies fearing a potential quarantine if the outbreak, continues to grow. Avoid getting scammed by companies making false claims about preventing and treating COVID-19. From COVID-19 do not get panic very simple Read Islam Quran Pak saying of Prophet Mohammad PBUH and live life the way they teach us no virus attackyou100 percent grantee now question why virus hit Muslim very simple we are not following Quran Pak and saying of PBUH there for facing this problem its Shame full act from Saudi Government they close Khana Kaba only scared from COVID-19 virus we Muslim are scared from the virus not from Allah (GOD) now from safe from COVID-19 virus very simple formula respect your parents read Sarah Fatia surah Aklas, Istafurla, and yah salmo as much as possible you are hundred percent safe love Allah (GOD) Talk with him a late night in a manner that you feel he is in front of you talk everything ask what you need only from Allah (GOD) You particle see that you willget what you ask fromAllah(GOD)Read all Religion and then spend few nights sit alone and check or analysis which Religion is near to reality, believe life after death if you did not believe then a person done a dirty thing other do a good thing so one needs to get punishment and other need to get a reward like in earth, good man go toParidise bad on going tohell
China also sent 12,000 test kits to Pakistan with 50 tonnes of medicine and 15 spray machines for the corona virus.
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Founder of Ayesha welfare Trust
4 年Muhammad Shafique?and 2 others?reacted to your post Muhammad Shafique and 2 others reacted to your post COVID-19.virus is Punishment from Allah(GOD) don,t wait consider be the last chance BEHAVIOR, ANGLE AND COVID19 virus 3 Reactions??3 Comments
Founder of Ayesha welfare Trust
4 年Muhammad Fahim Islam?and 1 other?liked your post Muhammad Fahim Islam and 1 other liked your post COVID-19.virus is Punishment from Allah(GOD) don,t wait consider be the last chance BEHAVIOR, ANGLE AND COVID19 virus 2 Reactions??2 Comments
Founder of Ayesha welfare Trust
4 年Ivona Antic?and 2 others?liked your post Ivona Antic and 2 others liked your post Read my latest Article Allah (GOD) bless you and safe you from COVID-19.virus 3 Reactions
Founder of Ayesha welfare Trust
4 年Ali Alsultan?and 1 other?liked your post Ali Alsultan and 1 other liked your post Read my latest Article Allah (GOD) bless you and safe you from COVID-19.virus 2 Reactions