On behalf of the ‘Torres Strait 8’ we want to say mina kaima esso (thank you).
Our forefathers fought for our survival as Torres Strait Islanders. Today our fight for survival is against the climate crisis. Right now we are facing inundation, erosion and droughts. The weather patterns have changed and these changes are affecting us as island people.
The government needs to take action now and reduce greenhouse gas emissions immediately. As claimants, we are motivated by our love for our children. Our aim is to protect #OurIslandsOurHome for future Zenadth Kes (Torres Strait Islander) generations.
On behalf of the ‘Torres Strait 8’ we want to say mina kaima esso (thank you). The support blo youmpla meke me strong (your support is making me strong) in this legal case against the Australian government.
This week our fight for climate justice was featured on ABC's 7.30 Report. With our campaign on the national agenda today, we need your help to spread our story to protect Zenadth Kes (Torres Strait).
This is a big opportunity for the #TorresStrait8 to share our story with Australia and pressure the Government to act. Can you share this ABC news story?