I am in the process of a final edit of my latest book in which I conspire with a group including #Shakespeare and George Bernard #Shaw. To place a major question mark on the controversy related to #Creationism vs. #Natural Selection in which we are trying to advance all the recent discovery since #DNA to prove there were other options than the one most scientist embrace which is that #Man came from #Africa. We are discussing one of Shaw's plays which deals with the subject of the matter on our mind. The play, BACK TO #METHUSELAH is at the part where #Eve is into a discussion with a snake and the most surprising conversation takes place with the snake apparently originating a quote made famous by the laet Robert Francis #Kennedy...a quote I have so admired and thought it was Kennedy's very own creation. But, apparently what he lacked in originality he made up for with #plagiary discovered in the pages of the many books he read. Here is the scene for your solidification:
THE SERPENT. If I can do that, what can I not do? I tell you I am very
subtle. When you and #Adam talk, I hear you say 'Why?' Always 'Why?' You
see things; and you say 'Why?' But I dream things that never were and I
say 'Why not?' I made the word dead to describe my old skin which I cast
when I am renewed. I call that renewal being born.
I am so very disappointed, because all these years I have looked up to both Kennedy's and the brilliance of staff writers...only to find they have "lifted" it from someone else and to have the audacity and dishonesty to not cite the originator. It seems to be a part of our society...Joe Biden did it during a major political speech...stealing the speech from another Irishman. Then of course the infamous theft by Dr. Martin Luther King stealing the phrase in his famous speech, "I have a Dream!"
I guess there is nothing hold on...this morning at 2:30am I had a thought and got out of bed and began to is what it became:
"Ain't no flowers or whoop ta do's
flowers just wilt...just like you!
saw you baby coming down the street
hips a swaying, like a Navy fleet!
Ain't no flowers or whoop ta do's
flowers just wilt just like you!
Caught you baby...indiscret
Dressed as you were...good to eat!
Your hair so freezed...your lips so fine
Called him out, thinking... you were mine!
Ain't no flowers or whoop ta do's
Flowers just wilt, just like you!
Any dude's a fool, who sings this tune
left town wanted... under a dark moon.
Ain't no flowers or whoop ta do's
Flowers just wilt, just like you!
Sittin her in Leavenworth...doing life
it ain't worth
Cause, ain't no flowers or whoop ta do's
Life's the shits when its life to do!
welby thomas cox, jr.
River Cottage Studio