The Beginning Of Lent
Holtz Realty

The Beginning Of Lent

It turned out to be another fine day with the sun shining and the temps reaching above freezing. I'm hoping from here on out, we'll be getting rain instead of snow, and may likely be true if we can get out of the month of March without any snow storms.

After getting my Sunday morning spiritual duty completed, I went to my computer to get caught up on all the Local and National news, and I dare say there's been one heck of an outcry over the way Zelensky was being treated at the White House. Even a number of those hard-core Republicans were crying foul. Yes, I'm sure that episode will not be forgotten.

An article of particular interest caught my eye which was written by an economist who was say pretty much what I've been sharing with others regarding our Country not having the industrial infrastructure to take the place of things being manufactured off-shore, and as I've also insisted, it would take years to build those factories. Of course the next question on our minds, is where are we gonna find the workers? As we all know, many of our young have been brainwashed into thinking they're only fit for cushy office jobs. Oh well, we'll see how MAGA is gonna pull that off. I'm sure glad my thoughts were confirmed today by an expert.

Once I had all the news read, I headed out to my project and worked there for over seven hours until I managed to get everything completed I set out to do, so now I can close the door on a form of work that I've had around my neck for months on end, but at least I can say I got thru it. After that project is fully-completed, I'm going to promise myself to never again take on something of that magnitude. It'll be one of those, 'Been there, done that.'

Those seven hours offered a welcome period to get some deep-thinking done, and you can only imagine the number of people, places and things that came to mind, and one of them centered around several females who did some nasty things to me which completely blind-sighted me at the time, but I reminded myself today that it was all a by-product of that core of evil which is fear, and in their case, it was simply a fear of my not being their 'friend' any longer. Well, when someone pushes me to the limit when attempting to manipulate me, that's when I begin to back away and move on. I'm sure all of you have experienced such 'testings' people do, just to see if you're loyal and faithful enough to look past their wicked antics. Well, when that starts up, it's definitely time to look for a permanent exit. Now really, who needs such nonsense in their lives?

Just after I returned to office to get changed back into my street clothes, an old friend of mine called, just to bring me up to speed on what's been happening in her life. Since she's definitely not a fan of our current administration, we had a good sharing of thoughts over it all. She's also doing what I've already started, which is taking-in our National news in small doses, just so we don't get overly stirred-up and find our day ruined. I've come to believe they're liking it all the more when finding those on the other side of their aisle, spinning out of control. No, we can't have that. While working, I kept reminding myself that we must educate, educate and educate even more, because that's about all we can do before the mid-term elections roll around. I'm remaining confident we'll no longer have a super-majority in our State and National legislative branches of government. Keep your chins up and spirits polished.

I was getting text messages this weekend from other agents asking about some of my un-sold listings, so hopefully one or two of them will get sold these coming days. I did hear again where there's been an influx of out of State buyers putting down roots in smaller mid-western communities, so let's hope we manage to get a number of them.

My gosh! I was reminded today that we're only a few days from the beginning of Lent, so forty days afterwards, we'll be celebrating Easter. I'm sure you'll be seeing a few people running around with ash marks on their foreheads this Wednesday. Yeah! Spring is on its way!

Tonight's One-liner is: Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.

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