Jean Lordeus
PhD Candidate | Mentor| Servant Leader |(TAM )Technical Account Manager at Philips
God Moments for Men!
This morning before I start my mundane routines, I took a moment to reflect and invited God to be my anchor and guide. I wish and hope the same for you as well.
As I read this short devotion entitled "Beginning", it reminds me of the Disappointments, Disillusionment, and Despair that one faces daily or at times. They are simply the facts of life. What if there was a link between those setbacks and what God is working on you to become? Think on that for a moment.
The author Andrew Holmes states that, " But look closer and you'll likely find a link between what you thought should or would be and what, in fact , is. Challenge yourself to see what comes your way as your way to become. He finishes his thought to say that, God has begun very good work in you and He is headstrong to complete it. Embrace that reality"
In closing, Not everything that happened to you was meant for your detriment. Some were meant to shape you into a better you, and some were simply a violation of the law of nature. In all things, we should find solace and comfort knowing that God is able able and He is no respecter of persons. Be blessed!
Great reminder in troubled times!