Beginner's Mind... Issue 8.25.23
Fernando Lopez
CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER AND OPERATIONS | GLOBAL LEADER specializing in forward-thinking Finance, Operations and leading People to transform into excellence. Building companies to thrive even through stormy weather.
Actions, when we take action things happen, good and bad. The thought of taking action is a good place to start. But what about not taking action on the things you know need to get done?
The answer? You suffer the consequences or the people around you suffers the consequences -especially in the long term. Then it goes into a spiral, because it is very easy to feel guilty about not doing what you are suppose to do and when you give room to guilty you deplete your energy and of course, you don’t take action at all. It takes a split second decision, to do or not to do!
Sometimes we struggle whether to take action, especially those actions that have been lingering for a while and that are good for us but nothing has happened.
Have you asked yourself what is behind about not taking action? an unfounded belief? a trauma? The wrong perception? How about pain?
Next time you ponder taking action, step back and see yourself NOT taking action in the future what would happen? or better yet ask someone else for feedback about NOT taking action. Watch what they say...
I dare you!
(by the way, fyi -I am already taking action on one thing I pushed back for a while)
Thank you to our friends from for the graphics