Beginner's Mind... Issue 5.24.24
Fernando Lopez
CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER AND OPERATIONS | GLOBAL LEADER specializing in forward-thinking Finance, Operations and leading People to transform into excellence. Building companies to thrive even through stormy weather.
Remote work or not remote work? There lies the question. Of course it depends, there is no final position since there are instances in which makes sense and other where it doesn’t.
Engaging with companies overseas or abroad where no human presence is essential it makes total sense, however, regardless of this the impact of the human presence is undeniable.
Why? Have you tried to date someone remotely? You may say yes, but is not sustainable. Or, how many times you have met someone over the phone, email or video conferencing and then you get to meet them in person! It is a whole different experience.
The other point I want to bring up, is your own presence, meaning how many times you are physically in one place but mentally in another? If that is the case, the other person will feel (and see) your absence, right?
Or you may even say "do you see me"?
My intention today, is entice your thinking about the importance of the human presence, especially your own!
Think about it...
I started working again after taking time off for personal reasons and to avoid Covid in the workplace. It is a different experience to have an interview, a phone screen just by phone or by Zoom, etc., and a full interview by Zoom or other device or in person. It’s more convenient to do remote but you miss the body language of each/all invoked and how your presence is perceived in person.