Beginner's Mind...    Issue 5.17.24
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Beginner's Mind... Issue 5.17.24

Have you asked yourself, what do I do what I do?

Believe it or not, this is a tough question. Whether you are in the middle of, ?getting in, or coming out of a transition, situation, problem and whatnot it is how you manage your inner dialog and thought that will direct the actions you take. The important part in this process is to dig deep enough and get some clarity. The condition is to be truth to yourself without judgement.


How does this look like?

For instance, let’s say you are preparing to run a marathon. Is it because you want to impress people around you or you are truly challenging your own limitations. Or what if you are losing weight out of a bet or because you really value your health. Or, you are studying a career you really don’t like but you are doing it because your “environment” (relatives, friends, etcetera) is pushing you.


Yes, it depends, the intention today is to get you thinking on the things you normally do and ask the question, why do I do this?

Dig deeper and ask the same questions 3 or more times (digging deeper). The deeper the better. The answers may lead you to direct your time, attention and actions to be more effective and fulfilling for YOU.


In a professional or personal setting, if we get to do what we love, a job or activity doesn’t feel as such, it feels as a mission!

Think about it!



