Beginner's Mind... Issue 4.21.23
Fernando Lopez
CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER AND OPERATIONS | GLOBAL LEADER specializing in forward-thinking Finance, Operations and leading People to transform into excellence. Building companies to thrive even through stormy weather.
Last week in South Florida, some areas were flooded by torrential rains. Vehicles stranded in the middle of the street, houses and offices flooded as well. Obviously, this situation was completely random and totally unexpected.
As in many things, it is up to us how we take it, whether learn from it or let it by. We can also react and take action to solve those situations, in the meantime we can ask ourselves -what did we learn? As I have said before, a good friend of mine told me “Fernando, if nothing changes, there is no lesson learned”.
What would you do when you face an unexpected situation? Evidently, it is difficult to predict what our reaction would be in a stressful situation, however, think about this while you are solving the problem. Make time to think and reflect about things that you have to change, otherwise there is no lesson learned.
Think about it!